homer goes to college script

It originally aired in the United States on the Fox network on April 15, 1993. 4 synonyms for homer: home run, kor, Winslow Homer, homing pigeon. 9F09: Homer's Triple Bypass 9F10: Marge Vs.

Homer: Hm? Now you get your man up to speed, or we'll be forced to take legal action. Bart : I'll be Gus, the lovable chimney-sweep.

What are synonyms for homer? However in October 1957, everything changes when the first artificial satellite, Sputnik goes into orbit. In the episode, Bart and Lisa decide to write an episode of The Itchy & Scratchy Show; after their script is rejected, they resubmit it under the name of their grandfather Abraham Simpson, resulting in Grampa being hired as a staff writer. The capsules are the heart of the archive. Mr. Burns: Is that so? Two years later, Fox gave them their own program. Homer: (stares blankly; to other agent) I think he's talking to you. At Springfield University, he befriends a group of nerdy students. Synopsis: In a 1950's mining town called Coalwood, Homer Hickam is a kid with only one future in sight, to work in the local coal mine like his father. From Photofest. He hopes to give them a real college experience, but instead gets them expelled when their plan to steal a rival mascot, Sir Oinks-A-Lot, backfires. Please help support BCDB with a donation or a subscription to the website. Synonyms for homer in Free Thesaurus. "Homie the Clown" is the fifteenth episode of The Simpsons' sixth season. He is about to drink it when Grimes smashes it out of his hand and into a wall, causing the wall to dissolve. The Monorail 9F11: Selma's Choice 9F12: Brother From The Same Planet 9F13: I Love Lisa 9F14: Duffless 9F15: Last Exit To Springfield 9F16: The Front 9F17: So It's Come To This: A Clip Show 9F18: Whacking Day 9F19: Krusty Get's Kancelled 9F20: Marge In Chains The Story of D’oh: Lisa, Homer, Bart, Marge, and Maggie Simpson. Homer reaches out for a drink, but picks up a beaker of sulphuric acid. Many individuals have contributed to them over the past decade, though they have been principally the work of Raymond Chen, Chris Baird, James A. Cherry, Frederic Briere, Hari Michael Wierny and, presently, Benjamin Robinson and Andrew Gill. On April 19, 1987, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie made their debut during a short on The Tracey Ullman Show. Capsules for the most recent seasons may not be yet finished. Antonyms for homer. Clean as a whistle, sharp as a thistle, best in all Westminster.

Marge becomes Director of Springfield's local theater, armed with Lisa's script resembling "Hamilton"; Homer joins a baby class with Maggie, and takes a liking to supervisor Chloe. Poochie could be bigger than curly fries. Male NRC agent: Now, we're going to simulate a power surge in core sector eight. Many individuals have contributed to them over the past decade, though they have been principally the work of Raymond Chen, Chris Baird, James A. Cherry, Frederic Briere, Hari Michael Wierny and, presently, Benjamin Robinson and Andrew Gill. Homer Goes to College [Homer is sitting in a nuclear inspection van] Male NRC agent: ... You're in big trouble, Burns. That's why I'm going to read these lines I wrote myself with my own two hands. [Burns presses a button on his desk. He is about to drink it when Grimes smashes it out of his hand and into a wall, causing the wall to dissolve. In the episode, Homer becomes a Krusty the Clown impersonator, but is mistaken for the real Krusty by the Springfield Mafia. Homer Goes To College by Big Cartoon DataBase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Joe Mantegna returned as Fat Tony, while Dick Cavett and Johnny Unitas guest starred as themselves. The capsules are the heart of the archive. When Homer fails an employee evaluation, Mr. Burns sends him to college. Capsules for the most recent seasons may not be yet finished. Homer Goes to College [Homer is sitting in a nuclear inspection van] Male NRC agent: Homer, this is an exact replica of your work station. (He tears he script in half,the writers gasp) You can't just kill of a classic TV character. But first he has to win back the audience. Homer Simpson's job requires college training in nuclear physics. Homer: What the hell are you talking about? Well, I have a feeling you'll be... dropping the charges. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 12, 1995. S30, Ep21 28 Apr. Forrester would go on to write “Homerpalooza” (and contribute to Mr. Show, Undeclared, King Of The Hill, and the American Office, the last of which he worked on for most of its run), but his first try at a Simpsons script doesn’t quite feel like the work of someone who’d been in the room since “Homer Goes To College.” 2019 In January 1992, during a campaign stop at a gathering of the … With that event, Homer becomes inspired to learn how to build rockets. "The Front" is the nineteenth episode of The Simpsons' fourth season.