why is he shy around me but not others yahoo

I am the jokester type, I am never serious about anything, and he knows that, but yet he chooses to be more serious with me, and more goofy and extroverted towards others, just odd to me! No kidding. he always gives me glares while squinting... he always looks at me sideways and he always asks my guy friends if i'm going out with them... there was a rumour going around saying I like him, his friends asked me if it was true and I said no. 2) He seems shy when he smiles at you. I am a very shy guy with very little experience in relations - I get really nervous when I am with the girl who bowls me over, especially when in the midst of other people. lol! Hi, A guy would not act nervous around a girl to convey that he's not interested in her - I could say from my own experience.

If this guy is very comfortable around girls and loses his senses in front of you, it means his nervousness is washing him over. Even if he's generally a shy or quiet guy, if he can talk about himself, he shouldn't have … If a guy is shy around you, but outgoing with others, this could mean several things, but overall, means that he is uneasy around you for some reason. If you want to see men acting at their most primal levels, go to a gym locker room. Very outgoing talks to everybody else when he see's me he just stares.he always not only makes really long, deep eye contact with me, but immediately sits up straight if he is slouching, uncrosses his arms/legs, his facial expression completely changes, he stares at me so deeply with soft eyes, he looks really nervous around me. He talks to other girls/guys).

I will admit though I'm quite awkward when it comes to socializing as I'm one of those people who would prefer to avoid it. So here's the deal.

It's a jungle in there. Even if you only ever see each other in passing, he’ll recall something you said, bring it up, and make a point of letting you know he’s been thinking of you. That’s a great sign he is interested in what’s going on between the two of you. She's really outgoing and not at all shy around other people (can easily hold a conversation with anyone) but with me she never try's to talk to me and when I get into a conversation with her shes really shy, she doesnt hate me we have awesome conversations and connect well when we do but she is just really shy around me and not … He seems to only make conversation with me when he has a specific reason too, like something to start off of, I don’t know if he’s shy around me or something though. There is this guy who I work with (i have a crush on him) and will only talk to me when no one else is really around. 2) because he is nervous being around you as he likes you so he try to pretend to be aloof to cover it up. Weird ... ya it is. Listen for verbal cues.

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Of course he is attracted!!! 3) because he knows that you are attached and he has to reframe from being close to you. So he just sits there and looks at the girl he finds attractive. Find your yodel. He do not know how to approach you. There is something holding him back from acting on his interest. I feel like this is my question because I am in same situation. he watches me when others are around and when I go for a break with one of the guys, he will walk by the walk break room or I will run in to him in the hallways where he will say hi or good morning and ask how my day is going, … i can be a shy person, actually not shy but quiet. i can also be very confident. It could be one or more of a number of things, so, in a sense, it is not worth thinking about too much unless you are interested in him. He has great expectations with you so he doesn't know what to do to impress you and doesn't want to do anything stupid to mess it up. If I did fancy a women I wouldn't have the guts to up to one and ask them out. Let me help you that I know my guy likes me and even loves me but he does the same thing like you said. Discover more every day. It's weird cause he acts serious around me, when I am nowhere near serious, haha!