obelisco 9 de julio buenos aires

9 de Julio, Buenos Aires, Argentina About our rating system. Both these roads have major transportation connections by metro … Our Rating. Today, the 68m obelisk towers above a central point where metro lines, bus lines, and the city’s most important streets, Avenida 9 de … It stands between the large avenues of Corrientes and 9 de Julio. The NH Buenos Aires 9 de Julio hotel brings Buenos Aires to your doorstep. A Avenida 9 de Julho (em espanhol: Avenida 9 de Julio; Avenida Nueve de Julio) é uma das principais vias de tráfego de Buenos Aires, capital da Argentina. The Obelisco de Buenos Aires (Obelisk of Buenos Aires) is a national historic monument and icon of Buenos Aires.Located in the Plaza de la República in the intersection of avenues Corrientes and 9 de Julio, it was erected in 1936 to commemorate the quadricentennial of the first foundation of the city. Find the Obelisco in the Plaza de la República in the center of Buenos Aires. Toda cidade tem sua avenida principal, e em Buenos Aires ela é a 9 de Julho.

The Obelisco commemorated the completion of 400 years of the foundation of the city. It is built at the junction of the Corrientes Avenue and the Avenido 9 de Julio. An Emblematic Corner of Buenos Aires, I didn't go on top because it was closed. En el solar donde hoy se encuentra el Obelisco estaba emplazada la iglesia dedicada a San Nicolás de Bari, que se decidió demoler para la construcción de la Avenida 9 de Julio.En la torre de esa iglesia fue izada oficialmente por primera vez en Buenos Aires, en 1812, la bandera argentina.Dicha circunstancia se recuerda en una de las inscripciones del lado norte del Obelisco. El famoso Obelisco de Buenos Aires representa para los argentinos un punto de referencia único y muy especial. A Avenida mais famosa de Buenos Aires. Many claim that the latter is the widest avenue in the world. Av. The Obelisco is a well-known landmark of Buenos Aires. [1] É conhecida por nela se encontrar o Obelisco (no entrocamento com a Avenida Corrientes), além de ser aclamada como uma das avenidas mais largas do mundo. Conheça mais sobre o Obelisco e a Avenida 9 de Julho em Buenos Aires. One of the city's most iconic monuments is the needle-like Obelisco, soaring 67m above the oval Plaza de la República on busy Av 9 de Julio. The Obelisco is the defining monument of Buenos Aires. Da mesma forma, os obeliscos também fazem parte da história de diversos lugares do mundo, e isso inclui a capital argentina. 9 de Julio & Obelisco - A livestream from the Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires.

minutes away from the striking Colón Theatre building and … Today, the 68m obelisk towers above a central point where metro lines, bus lines, and the city’s most important streets, Avenida 9 de … It was inaugurated in … Neighborhood At Corrientes Transportation Metro: Carlos Pellegrini, Diagonal Norte, or 9 de Julio. It was erected in 1936 on the 400th anniversary of the first Spanish settlement on the Río de la Plata.

The Obelisco de Buenos Aires, a symbol of the city, was founded in 1936 at the site where the Argentine national flag was first planted in 1536. Its location on 9 de Julio Avenue – the biggest avenue in the world – means all the sights of this vibrant city are within easy walking distance. The Obelisco de Buenos Aires, a symbol of the city, was founded in 1936 at the site where the Argentine national flag was first planted in 1536.