Alice in Wonderland allegory

Many people have seen Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as a prime example of the limit-breaking book from the old tradition illuminating the new one. Alice is told from the first moment she arrives in Wonderland that she is destined to slay the beastly Jabberwocky, a giant fire-breathing dragon-like creature. Alice must master the properties of the mushroom to gain control over her fluctuating size, which represents the bodily frustrations that accompany puberty. “Underground Alice:” the Politics of Wonderland.

Alice’s mindset is childlike, distractible. That's when Alice notices a white rabbit, a manifestation of her imagination that sparks her curiosity. As the film progresses, however, Alice begins to gain some courage and sense of self. Alice In Wonderland Literary Analysis Many themes are explored when reading Lewis Carrol’s, Alice in Wonderland. Others view the mushroom as a psychedelic hallucinogen that compounds Alice’s surreal and distorted perception of Wonderland. ” In this essay i will explain my theories and definitions of the allegory in Alice in Wonderland. Reading the story, it was quite clear to see one particular theme portrayed through out the book: child to adult progression. For those that feel it is a political allegory, they... See full answer below. They also consider it being a tale of the “variations on the debate of gender” and that it’s “continually astonishing us with its modernity”. She is unconvinced, and assumes that they must have the wrong Alice. In Alice in wonderland there are many cases of allegory.

Some feel that Alice in Wonderland is an allegory for either drug use, mathematics, or politics. Themes of childhood innocence, child abuse, dream, and others. One popular approach to Alice has been to read it as a political allegory, with Wonderland a symbolic England, ruled tyrannically by the Queen of Hearts, who of course would correspond with Queen Victoria. At the beginning of Alice in Wonderland, Alice daydreams and is unable to pay attention while her sister reads an advanced novel to her. The cases the i will be pointing out and defining in my own words are “The Rabbit Hole”, “Size and Growth”, and “The Looking – Glass.

While her imagination runs wild, she begins to piece together a perfect world of her own.