knights templar cartel

He's allegedly a member of the Knights Templar Cartel. Broly is a member of The Knights Templar Cartel in Michoacán Mexico and possible homosexual. El Chayo was a devout Evangelical, and reputedly highly influenced by Christian writer John Eldredge, as well …

He might have been killed or captured. But one thing for sure, this guy sure snapped lots of selfies. [8] [9] Contents.

Mexico captures Knights Templar drug cartel leader Servando "La Tuta" Gomez, one of Mexico's most wanted fugitives, has been arrested without a shot being fired, according to reports The Knights Templar Cartel (Spanish: Los Caballeros Templarios) [6] [7] is a Mexican criminal organization originally composed of the remnants La Familia Michoacana drug cartel based in the Mexican State of Michoacán. Maybe make that "was." This is Broly Banderas, he's the newest internet sensation. Moreno, who founded La Familia cartel before starting up the Knights Templar, was first declared dead by the Mexican government in December 2010 after a … Mexican Vigilantes Beat Back Ruthless Knights Templar Cartel Vigilantes ride on the back of a pick-up truck while driving in a convoy to Poturo, Michoacan, Dec. …

Knights Templar cartel hit man known as 'Broly,' seen here after a gunfight with a rival cartel in the bloody and lawless Mexican state of Michoacan. Broly and the Knights Templar Cartel . Meet Broly. Article number 8 commands Templarios to “selflessly love and serve all of humanity.”

From its early stages Moreno’s cartel had cultic dimensions to it which only expanded over time, in particular upon the inception of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar cartel in western Mexico has long been known for making money from the production and transportation of drugs, such as methamphetamine, or 'crystal meth'. The Code of the Knights Templar of Michoacán comprises several Christian precepts that are designed to make cartel members feel they serving a larger purpose than the cultivation, manufacture, and sale of drugs, primarily methamphetamine and marijuana.