coconut oil reverse alzheimer's

Dr. Mary Newport’s husband, with Alzheimer’s, shows improvement after taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Now, recent science and real life experiences have confirmed what they have told us. Such debris and toxins are firm markers of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists Discover that Coconut Oil Could Reverse Alzheimer’s. R To conduct their research, the Spanish scientists gathered participants and split them into two groups: an intervention group that received the coconut oil, and a control group. (The Best Years in Life) Naturopaths and other natural health authorities have been telling us for years that coconut oil can not only slow Alzheimer’s, it can also stop it and in many instances even reverse it. Cognitive function evaluations were conducted prior to the study’s onset and again at its conclusion. In 2006, a study was published in the journal of Neurobiology of Aging, involving subjects with mild cognitive impairment who were …

Read more:Coconut oil … Almost every day I see a new article or blog post, or an email proclaiming the varied and often remarkable benefits of coconut oil. However, as a doctor, Mary realized that just treating one Alzheimer’s patient with coconut oil didn’t mean it was a cure, so she wanted to quantify the findings with some more research. Coconut Oil May Reverse Alzheimer's and Prevent It It strengthens the immune system, softens the skin, and best of all, boosts the brain. A reduction in autophagy, researchers claim, is suspected to be the beginning of Alzheimer's disease. Coconut oil may reverse Alzheimer’s disease. The coconut oil presumption. Coconut oil contains low levels of caprylic acid, and some Alzheimer’s patients (those who do not carry the APOE4 allele) may initially respond well to very high doses of coconut oil.

Dr. Bredesen has brought forth 100 more case studies with improvement from the protocol. The next step she took was to apply for some funding so she can further investigate using coconut oil as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal. Quite often I see a headline like Discover How Coconut Oil Can Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s or an advertisement selling a Coconut Oil Cure for Alzheimer’s.Those are real headlines — I didn’t make them up. Coconut oil contains substances called ketones, which are a powerful brain food (one of the best actually).

It is important to understand the science and the physiology of the process, and see the relationship between the ApoE4 variant and the need for inducing mild ketosis with MCT or coconut oil. In a recent article for the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, he explained why coconut oil might work. Dr. Newport explains how MCT (medium chain triglyceride), found in coconut oil, can be helpful in treating Alzheimer’s as well as other diseases involving the brain. Yet jumping to the conclusion that coconut oil is a cure-all for Alzheimer’s Disease is short sighted.