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The classicising façade in Italian style (1732) was designed by Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni. I'm sitting on the bench with perhaps the greatest organist in Europe as he plays what many consider the finest pipe organ anywhere. Only 12 organists since 1611! Saint-Sulpice is one of the largest churches in Paris, only slightly smaller than Notre-Dame. The Grand Organ of Saint-Sulpice 9243; King Widor 9505; Going On Record 9522; Going On Record 9547; Wait, oh Wait! This mammoth-of-an-organ is located in the Church of St. Sulpice in Paris, and is the second largest cathedral in that city, second only to Notre-Dame.

List of Organists at St Sulpice Only 12 organists since 1611! In 1862 Aristide Cavaillé-Coll completely rebuilt the pipe organ. St-Sulpice masses & auditions May-June 2020 (in French) Live audition by Daniel Roth – Monday, May 18, 8.30PM After two months of silence, the AROSS team is happy to offer you a musical moment broadcast live from the great organ console. Vierne subsequently became principal organist at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, a post he held from 1900 until his death (while performing a concert) in 1937. It is dedicated to Sulpitius the Pious.

But these organists served the first parish church of Saint-Sulpice. The pipe organ at Saint-Sulpice dates from 1781, when the newly complete church had a Francois-Henri Clicquot pipe organ installed.

The organ tradition of St. Sulpice dates back a long time. From 1892, Vierne served as an assistant to the organist Charles-Marie Widor at the church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris.

After several months of renovation, the 3 paintings of Eugène Delacroix of the Chapelle des Saints-Anges are now accessible to the public. And not just any pipe organ concert.

Programs that feature this organ. The Eglise Saint-Sulpice is one of the sites in Paris where the 'Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown, best seller in 2003, was filmed. GREAT ORGANS AND ORGANISTS OF PARIS. Another free organ concert is at St. Eustache Church near Les Halles (Rue Rambuteau) at 5 PM on Sundays before the 5:30 mass. With five manuals— keyboards— and boasting two 32-foot stops, organists at St. Sulpice have an incredibly rich palette of sounds at their disposal.

The church was founded in 1646 and not completed until 1745.

And in Paris' St. Sulpice Church, that music comes with a bonus: a pipe-organ concert.

It is as impressive from the outside as it is from the inside. Saint-Sulpice is only slightly smaller than Notre-Dame and thus the second largest church in the city. I say had because since it’s installation, the Notre-Dame organ has been modified and expanded somewhat. 1862 Cavaillé-Coll organ at Église Saint-Sulpice, Paris, France. But of those two places, St. Sulpice had the larger instrument. From the mid 16th century we can observe the presence of an organist.

This is arguably one of the largest pipe organs in Europe and the church is the second largest in Paris after Notre Dame.

This pipe organ is recognized as one of the most important instruments in the global organ world. The south tower was never completed (due the the revolution). ... the Cantor and master-organist of Leipzig’s Church of St. Thomas, “the God of Music.” ... L’église Saint-Sulpice Saint-Eustache With 8,000 pipes, its 16th-century organ is the largest in France and one of the world’s most renowned instruments.

Then the well known Guillaume Gabriel Nivers and Louis Nicolas Clérambault follow.