why does my dog sneeze when i kiss him

Sneezing is a normal action which occurs in response to the presence of foreign particles within the nose and need not be alarming.

In a way, it could be compared with human kissing. It can also be caused by a virus or sinus infection. Why does my dog cry when I hug him?

There are multiple reasons why a dog is sneezing. If you’ve ever noticed your dog sneezes when he gets excited or while playing, there’s a reason for it.

Or it might be a “play sneeze” – more on that later. It's more complicated than it might seem. Your dog licking your face or hand can be as simple as that he is bursting with excitement about seeing you, and can't contain it.

If your actions, as much as they are well intended, make him feel anxious in any way, then he will start to whine or cry. It's a way of saying, I've had enough and my patience is running out. Reviews Why Does My Dog Whine When I Kiss Him is best in online store. If your dog is lip-licking at the vet or another place that makes him nervous, try to redirect him in a positive manner.

Find all of vetstreet.com's Why Does My... Dog articles and videos here. Why do dogs sneeze?

Try exhaling sharply through your nose. Your dog works hard for your approbation, and licking is his way of conveying that to you. When dogs are in an excited state, they often sneeze more shallowly, emitting a snorting sound caused by a sudden force of breath from the nose.

You can ask him to do a trick and then reward him for complying. Share this article: In the language of dogs, the yawn is often used as a calming signal. This causes the dog to wrinkle their highly sensitive nose, which can cause a tickle that the body interprets as a signal to sneeze. What Your Dog's Yawn Really Means.

Shes a pitbull but I dont think that matters. The list of common dog signs of affection Licking Why do dogs lick? There are a lot of different reasons why dogs sneeze when they are playing or excited. See how it sounds like a sneeze, but not quite? Why does my dog sneeze when I pet him?

Sneezing is a forceful expulsion of air from the dog’s lungs through the nose and mouth.

When it comes to sneezing in dogs, it doesn’t tend mean that your dog has a cold, like sneezing usually means in humans. In fact, dogs sneeze for a large amount of reasons.
Whenever im playing with my dog and shes upside down, on her back, she always starts to sneeze.

How to protect your dog. The best way to tell what kind of lick your dog is giving you is to look at her body language. The sneeze is his way to communicate to you that he likes you. It doesnt seem to bother her, but its trippy to me. When dogs sneeze it could also be a result of something stuck in the nose while digging in the dirt.
However, if your dog appears distressed, is continually sneezing or is sneezing on and off for a period of time which is out of character it may be a sign that something is wrong, in which case a vet may need to be sought.

But unlike a sneeze, snorts are done on purpose. But why do dogs sneeze and what does it mean? Misc. Snorting dogs or cats are often reacting to something that is irritating their nose, like an allergen or a bit of dirt.

Likewise, if your dog is coughing, keep him isolated from other dogs, and do not take him out to parks or areas where other dogs could get exposed.