technology will be the downfall of humanity

Technology will not be our downfall. Technology can either continue progressing in a positive manner or it can crash and burn and cause the potential downfall of the human race. Technology. Add a New Topic. Will modern technology be the downfall of mankind? Technology has the power to both help and hinder humanity equally. Well maybe not an immediate downfall but the article linked suggests, and I'd say rightfully so, that technology via the younger generation is breeding poorer social interaction in many cases, and of course relationships are a corner stone of society. TV. Sign In. It just seems for all the connectivity we have today we are as a whole more isolated in many cases.

Polls Leaderboard. But has technology already begun to lead to our downfall? Home > Opinions > Technology > Will modern technology be the downfall of mankind? Technology isn't a thing, like a predatory leopard or a dictator bent on ethnic cleansing. People still have lot of primitive tendencies that don't fit with a post industrial technology driven society. The Future Companies have even realized the potential of science fiction in their development and have reached out to futurists and science fiction writers to work for them. For all the good that social media has created with social movements and access to large amounts of information, there is a side of this new technology that is destroying what it means to be human. More than one cautionary statement about the danger technology may pose to humanity has been falsely attributed to renowned physicist Albert Einstein. In a world of Google, Facebook and reality television, who is to say that we aren’t already descending into failure as a species? Sign Up. Since technology from science fiction films that aids humanity has become more available, the technology that destroys humanity must not be too far behind. Technology is simply knowing how to do something, like grow food or read or detect neutrinos. The biggest problem I see with technology is the pace of technological progress far outpaces evolutionary progress. The technology itself won’t be what finishes us; all it will take is a solar flare or a shift in the magnetic poles, and we’ll have no way of communicating or lending help to those who need it so desperately.