renaissance festivals by state

1585 - 2021. A Renaissance fair, Renaissance faire or Renaissance festival is an outdoor weekend gathering, usually held in the United States, open to the public and typically commercial in nature, which purportedly recreates a historical setting for the amusement of its guests. Renaissance festivals (or faires) are popular across the country. Celebrating 45 Years Come for the music, food, jousting and games. The Sterling Renaissance Festival in Sterling, New York, is billed as one of the oldest and most successful interactive Renaissance festivals in the world. You are invited to join in on the medieval summer festivals in Western Washington! All I need is the state and … Continue reading Renaissance Faire Information, Dates and Locations → Lords and Ladies! See Who's Going to Sterling Renaissance Festival 2020 in Sterling, NY! Much like a state fair, there is usually only one or two faires in a state, each normally running five to six weeks. Renaissance Park Event Center COVID-19 RESPONSE Due to COVID-19, our 2020 festivals will include additional health and safety procedures as well as diligent cleaning of our facilities. Take a … The spring Great Plains Renaissance and Scottish Festival originally scheduled for April 18th and 19th has been postponed until our fall date of September 26th and 27th, 2020. Witness intense live armored jousting at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival in Shakopee, MN. We are looking forward with excitement to 2021! Some are permanent theme parks, while others are short-term events in a fairground, winery, or other large public or private spaces.

This festival -- held from the beginning of August through Labor Day weekend -- has become the largest Renaissance Festival in the US, with an annual attendance of 300, 000 people.

The schedules are staggered so that performers can travel from faire to faire. If there is a faire that I have missed, please use the Contact Form to let me know. Renaissance Festivals located in the United States For those curious how popular Renaissance Faires and festivals are, there’s a world map below the U.S. map showing faires in other countries. Note: Sterling Renaissance Festival is closed for the 2020 season due to COVID-19. This is being done in accordance with the temporary ban of public events of more than 50 people enacted by Sedgwick County leadership and the governor of the State of Kansas.