hunter hayes stevie wonder

Hayes can play 30 instruments and he played in coffee shops during the beginning stages of his career. Hunter Hayes jamming to Stevie Wonder's Superstition with Troy Andrews & Orleans Avenue.

On last night’s Dancing With the Stars, country music newcomer Hunter Hayes tore up the stage with R&B legend Stevie Wonder.The performance … Hunter went on YouTube Live the night after the big reveal to answer fans questions regarding his experience on The Masked Singer.
He has also performed with Stevie Wonder on Dancing With The Stars . During Hunter’s time on the show he experimented and sang songs by Stevie Wonder, Shawn Mendes, One Direction, and Ed Sheeran. Hunter Hayes was the latest song man to get the boot on Wednesday's episode of The Masked Singer. There are a lot of viewers who think that it’s Hunter Hayes behind the mask. It turns out that Hunter Hayes and Stevie Wonder have performed together twice — on Dancing with the Stars and the ACM Awards, where they looked totally adorable hanging out together in …

The other popular fan theory is that Hunter Hayes is masking as The Astronaut.

Hunter’s most notable performance as the Astronaut was singing Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered.” Hunter and his “good friend” Stevie …
Hunter Hayes and Stevie Wonder are teaming up for Monday night's (April 22) episode of Dancing With the Stars , accompanying the remaining finalists in the competition. He also said that the second song he chose to perform, Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours," is a song by a "dear friend." In fact, Gold Derby wrote they were “absolutely certain” The Astronaut was Hayes… The Astronaut on ‘The Masked Singer’ Guesses.