how do jem and scout spend the day

School is closed, so Jem and Scout spend their day trying to build a snowman.

For the first time in decades, Maycomb gets snow. At the window, Scout and Jem hoist Dill up to peek in the window.

Pages 188 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 60 - 63 out of 188 pages. Summary.

Although he was a good shot, he does not like to mention the fact as he does not like the thought of having an advantage over people. School is closed, so Jem and Scout spend their day trying to build a snowman. PLEASE ANSWER: -aunt alexandria wants Scout to... -We Maycomb gets its first snowfall, Jem and Scout... -Jem wants Scout to act... -Jem gets off the fence by.. -How and why does Miss Maudie's house look like a pumpkin? Childhood, to adulthood, a large step for everyone. School Hollywood High School; Course Title HSC 4180; Type. They spend the day making a snowman that looks like Mr. Avery; when Atticus finds out, he makes them disguise it, so they add Miss Maudie’s sun hat and hedge-clippers, creating what Miss Maudie calls a “morphodite” (or hermaphrodite) snowman. Atticus Finch is the middle-aged father of Jem and Scout Finch.

Test Prep. For the first time in decades, Maycomb gets snow. Scout lives in Maycomb, Alabama with her brother Jem and her father Atticus, who is a widower and a prominent attorney in town. Your Answer: Pennies and Gum When Jem and Dill start to exclude Scout from activities, with whom does she spend more time? Miss Maudie tells her that Boo was always a friendly child, but that he grew up with a harsh father.

Summary and Analysis Part 1: Chapters 8-9 Summary. Dill sees nothing, only curtains and a small faraway light. -Why do the children … Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jimmy and Francis. The boys want to try a back window instead, despite Scout's pleas to leave. Atticus brings Jem and Scout to his sister Alexandra's house. Miss Maudie says it’s because Boo doesn’t want to. Jem and Dill start excluding Scout, who begins to spend more time with Miss Maudie, their neighbor. Jem and Scout spend most of the night outside.

To Kill a Mockingbird is narrated by Jean Louise Finch, a 6-year-old girl usually referred to by her nickname, Scout. Jem and Scout are sent to wait in front of the Radleys' while the fire is still raging.

How do jem and scout spend the day? What items do Scout and Jem take from the knot-hole in one of the oak trees in Radley's front yard?

Scout doesn't want them to do it, but Jem accuses her of being girlish, an insult she can't bear, and she goes along with it.

List the 6 items found in the tree knothole (Chapter 7) A ball of grey twine, a pocket watch, mini soap figurines of Jem and Scout, Indian head penny, double-mint gum, and an aluminum knife.

They sneak under a wire fence and go through a gate. Jem tells Scout that his pants were folded across the fence when he went back to the Radley's house to get them. Uploaded By lopezedgar737. If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! They have always went there for Christmas to spend time with the whole family. While Jem stops attacking on Atticus's behalf, he does dig in at taking defensive action. 4. She says Boo was always polite as a boy, and that Boo’s father was a Baptist so religious he thought all pleasure was a sin. Why do Jem and Scout feel guilty when Mr. Avery tells them that children who disobey parents, smoke cigarettes, and make war on each other can cause a change in the seasons? -How does Jem walk when he gets into the sixth grade and why? Scout asks Miss Maudie about Boo. When he comes back Jem and Scout pounce on him to ask if he saw Boo in the flesh (he didn't).

He is a lawyer and was once known as "One-shot Finch" and "the deadest shot in Maycomb County." Yep, it's snow. Daddy's Boy. -Why does Atticus tell Jem and Scout they have to change their snowman? It is a stage that everybody must go through and experience. One evening, Scout asks Miss Maudie why Boo Radley never comes out. To Kill a Mockingbird - Summary and Analysis Chapters 8-9.

School is cancelled, so Jem and Scout set out to make a snowman, though they don't really know how and there isn't much snow. That night, Miss Maudie's house burns to the ground.

How do Jem and Scout spend the day?

How does the weather change how doe jem and scout. When Scout begins to feel left out by Jem and Dill, she starts to spend considerable time with a neighbor, Miss Maudie Atkinson. ... Jem and Scout are shocked when a mad dog appears in the street and Atticus is the one elected to shoot it. We need you to answer this question!

How does the weather change How doe Jem and Scout spend the day What happens to. Scout is terrified when she wakes up one morning to see white stuff pouring from the sky.