adjectives to describe alice from alice in wonderland

What are good words to describe Alice from Alice In Wonderland? a SIMPLE SHEET DESINGED TO GET CHILDREN HUNTING FOR VERBS AND ADJECTIVES.
used to describe a situation that is very strange, in which things happen that do not make any sense and are the opposite of what you would expect. Change your default dictionary to American English. Thanks in advance!

Created: Nov 28 ... Alice in wonderland.

View the pronunciation for Alice in Wonderland. A lot of words would be good. 4.8 4 customer reviews. 0 2 0. This is the British English definition of Alice in Wonderland.View American English definition of Alice in Wonderland. Considered in this way, she is the perfect foil, or counterpoint, or contrast, for all the unsocial, bad-mannered eccentrics whom she meets in Wonderland. Author: Created by lowrip1ckle. I felt I was in an Alice-in-Wonderland world. Definition and synonyms of Alice in Wonderland from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. In the Alice-in-Wonderland world of European agriculture, farmers are paid more to grow more even when nobody wants to buy what they produce. ... Alice In Wonderland - VERBS and ADJECTIVES. Login to reply the answers Post; surrett. I need to describe her in 5-10 words. Brave. Alice is reasonable, well-trained, and polite. Preview. 4 years ago. Alice In Wonderland Words. Source(s): a SIMPLE SHEET DESINGED TO GET CHILDREN HUNTING FOR VERBS AND ADJECTIVES. From the start, she is a miniature, middle-class Victorian "lady." Worried.

0 1 0. Follow the link below to read Carroll's original article In his article 'Alice on the Stage', Lewis Carroll describes Alice as: loving, gentle, courteous, trustful, and curious.
Gullible. Report a problem. Lv 4.