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This is a PowerPoint we used in each classroom following our prayer service on Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. The Mardi Gras celebration  is also called  Carnival, Pancake Day and Shrove Tuesday.

(Note that in Germany, this period is called "Fasching," and in parts of the United States, particularly Louisiana, "Mardi Gras.") Shrove Tuesday is an important day on the Christian calendar, and Shrove Tuesday prayers play a major part in celebrating the day.Christianity is the most widely-practised religion in Ireland, and introducing children to a Shrove Tuesday prayer will help them to understand and appreciate a custom in which many of their fellow Irish people place …

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday.and it is traditionally a day of preparation for Lent. Our Mardi Gras prayer can be used on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is an important day on the Christian calendar, and Shrove Tuesday prayers play a major part in celebrating the day.Christianity is the most widely-practised religion in Ireland, and introducing children to a Shrove Tuesday prayer will help them to understand and appreciate a custom in which many of their fellow Irish people place … Shrove Tuesday is the last day of what traditionally was called "Shrovetide," the week preceding the beginning of Lent. Shrove Tuesday and Shrovetide Fr. The Splendor of Truth - Veritatis Splendor, August 6, 1993. Catholic Online has many special features to help you find the information you are looking for.

The word itself, Shrovetide, is the English equivalent for "Carnival," which is derived from the Latin words carnem levare, meaning "to take away the flesh." This Mardi Gras prayer celebrates its religious meaning. Saunders provides background information on the customs surrounding the last day before the beginning of Lent, commonly known as Mardi Gras. This piece here is a reflection on The name 'shrove' is derived from the word "shrive", meaning to hear someone's acknowledgement of their sins, to assure him or her of God's forgiveness,and to give appropriate spiritual advice.

Mardi Gras is the final day before Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of the Church season called Lent.

Each student was given a cut out foot to write a prayer on, which will be displayed on a communal bulliten board. A prayer for Shrove Tuesday On this Shrove Tuesday, Lord help us to enjoy and give thanks to you for the bounty you provide for us and remind us to share your gifts with others. Our Mardi Gras prayer can be used on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.

“Shrove” is the past tense of the verb “shrive” – “to obtain absolution for oneself by confessing and doing penance”.

The day before Ash Wednesday, in all English speaking countries except the United States, is called Shrove Tuesday.

The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday I’ve written about this previously – but it’s worth re-telling for newer visitors to this site. Amen

“To shrive” (active voice), or to “be shrove” (passive) in Old English meant not only to confess one’s sins and be absolved, but to receive the advice of a spiritual counselor. God of infinite mercy, grant that we who know your compassion may rejoice in your forgiveness and gladly forgive others for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour who is alive with with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. A good collect for Shrove Tuesday.