[1][2] After founder Ahn Sahng-hong died in 1985, the Church expanded its activities to other parts of the world and began to use the name World Mission Society Church of God. World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) claims Gil-Jah Zahng is ‘God the Mother’ The World Mission Society Church of God, founded by Ahn Sang-hong (also spelled as Ahnsahnghong) in Korea, believes it is “the only true church which God has established on … youtu.be/CcI43U... 36 comments. r/WMSCOG: World Mission Society Church of God Cult reddit. Close.
World Mission Society Church of God Protests Hapimo Victims Group Video Testimonials. He has gotten incredibly sick mentally. Guidance for Online Worship Following the guidelines of the CDC and local authorities, to help promote social distance, members are now worshiping online. The Church of God was established by Christ Jesus 2,000 years ago. Another great testimony exposing their doctrines, from a former WMSCOG member. Former members say the group is anything but heavenly. Discuss the cult here! According to the prophecies of the Bible, God reestablished the Church of God in this age.The Church of God always goes in accordance with the prophecies of the Bible for the salvation of mankind. Exposing The World Mission Society Church Of God With Former WMSCOG Member (self.greatlightstudios) submitted 3 minutes ago by greatlightstudios We interview former members of the World Mission Society Church of God … Well, their supposed returning God/Christ/prophet/whatever said that 1988 would be the end of the world, did no miracles I can find, and is now dead of a heart attack. Its headquarters are located in Bundang, Seongnam … The Council for World Mission is a worldwide partnership of Christian churches. council for world mission Latest News and Events Check out Council for World Mission's latest news and events. It tends to be two young women asking if you’ve heard of “God, the mother.” I know the one on campus has been proven to not be affiliated with the larger church cult that has been known to sex traffic women, but if you look it up, this is a cult and it is still important to not walk alone around campus and always check your surroundings!
The World Mission Society Church of God is a new religious movement that began in South Korea in 1964. Press J to jump to the feed. There is no sinister sex trafficking group going from college to college – it's just a religious organization called the World Mission Society Church of God. share. 98% Upvoted. The World Mission Society Church of God believes in God Elohim—God the Father and God the Mother New Jerusalem. The World Mission Society Church of God believes in God Elohim—God the Father and God the Mother New Jerusalem. Hello brothers and sisters, I'm currently doing some research with a friend in order to shine the light of the true God on a member of this cult.
Volunteers of World Mission Society Church of God paint a mural at Barangay Malanday in Valenzuela on Sunday. 56. r/WMSCOG: World Mission Society Church of God Cult reddit. A family friend’s son recently has gotten out of World Mission Society Church of God and is having a really hard time. Beware of the World Mission Society Church Of God. Posted by 3 months ago. We keep the truth of the new covenant restored by Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong such as the Sabbath day, the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Resurrection Day, the Day of Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Josue Interviews WMSCOG Former Member Kade – The Simple Christian Podcast Former Members. The World Mission Society Church of God is praying together for our nation and all the world so that the COVID-19 pandemic can soon be under control. save hide report. You might also like. Share Facebook Twitter Google+ ReddIt WhatsApp Email Print. WMSCOG DISCUSSION – New Former Member Speaking Out – Zoom Meeting #2 Testimonials. The lines between church and cult are blurry, but they don't sound like a cult to me, just a very esoteric, fringe branch of Christianity. This is a very deceptive cult flying under the radar. Discuss the cult here! The 32 members are committed to sharing their resources of money, people, … Josue Interviews … The World Mission Society believes God is a real woman living in South Korea. Former Members. Members of the World Mission Society Church of God celebrated their mothers on Mother’s Day 2019 with brunches in the Bronx, Manhattan and New Windsor. Beware of the World Mission Society Church Of God.