my dog bit me when i kissed him

If your dog shows any kind of aggression when mouthing, have your vet examine him to make sure there are no medical issues. Well! My fiance came over and gave me a kiss my dog growled so my fiance went to hug my dog and the dog bit my fiance on the face. A dog showing his teeth is typically a measure of aggression, but it may also signify playfulness and excitement. I know we are told DO NOT let him on the bed then till he learns about manners and who is boss here. The possessive dog sees a threat, but unlike a protective dog doing his job, possessive behavior keeps a dog on high alert and he won’t back down, even though there’s no real threat. Tonight my boyfriend tried to kiss me goodnight as he was going to bed earlier than me, and the dog growled at him. Our dog started making weird wining noises and layed infront of me to block him off, my dog then barked at my … The dog views the child as a prey item because the child is running and/or screaming near the dog or riding a bicycle or otherwise moving past the dog. I mean if it's bleeding and an open wound, and if stitches are necessary, you need to visit the doctor . If your dog shows any kind of aggression when mouthing, have your vet examine him to make sure there are no medical issues.

He has never been an aggressive dog. Well, now you are shocked (and probably a bit angry). It sounds to me like your neighbor invaded your dog’s space, your dog didn’t appreciate the invasion and so your dog told him he didn’t like this. It always freaks me out which doesn't help at all. It could also be a sign that your dog needs more mental stimulation, and teaching basic commands is a good way to provide it. I think my dog is jealous of my fiance. It sounds to me like your neighbor invaded your dog’s space, your dog didn’t appreciate the invasion and so your dog told him he didn’t like this. Most dog bites occur while interacting with familiar dogs thus the need to educate people and their children on how to avoid dog bites.

In the bite my face and regrip and bite my face again way. Some times he came all happy with his toys and as soon as he gets on my legs and I pet him he will just growl at me, the other day I was inside the house playing with him and we got on the floor and I kiss him and he almost bit me in the face. Give your dog an escape route. First, if the dog has been given anti rabies injection, then it's not a problem. The dog has not learned bite inhibition and bites hard by accident when the child offers food or a toy to the dog.