50 comments. Dermaplaning is a treatment that should only be provided by a licensed professional.
Dermaplaning vs. Shaving. Dermaplaning vs. Shaving While the dermaplaning process may sound like shaving with a regular or electric razor, they aren’t really anything alike. share. Home; Blog; BLOG. Dermaplaning, unlike traditional shaving, uses a smaller blade to slough off dead skin cells in addition to removing wispy facial hair, so skin is more even in tone and texture. Dermaplaning and regular shaving are similar in method. It keeps my mustache in check and I've even started to use it to shape the ends of my brows for a more clean squared-off finish and will always go in between my brows to get anything I missed with tweezers. This hair is commonly known as peach fuzz, and for patients who want to remove it, there are a number of options. At DermaplanePro our focus has been on the transition of dermaplaning from primarily medical offices into the spa sector. Recently, though, it ran out of batteries, so I had to use a razor. For starters, shaving will get the hairs, but slide across the dead skin layer and dermaplaning goes a bit deeper than that.
COVID-19 Return to Work Recommendations. On the other hand, dermaplaning does not only involve the cutting of hair, but it also helps in the removal of dead skin cells. But this won’t yield the same results as dermaplaning. Shaving "For Christmas one year, my mom gave me this As Seen On TV mustache shaver. Medical office treatment rooms often lacked the spa feeling that we… Read more. It’s meant to exfoliate your skin and remove small, fine baby hairs (a.k.a. Dermaplaning vs. Shaving at Home: Female Facial Hair - True Skin Care Center When it comes to shaving, men are expected to take a razor to their facial hairs every day. I swear by this thing. The biggest difference between dermaplaning and regular shaving boils down to the types of tools used and who is wielding said tools. The treatment is also done at least four weeks apart. It doesn't make my hair grow back any darker or thicker. To get rid of the peach fuzz (also called Vellus hair) on your face, there are some options. But anything past that, you should consult a professional about Dermaplaning. “Dermaplaning generally requires a surgical scalpel to cut close enough to the skin and also be sensitive enough to capture those small hairs and top layer of dead skin cells,” explains Akram. Dermaplaning vs. Shaving Dermaplaning and shaving are two completely different services, with different tools to achieve different goals! Still, the significant difference is that Dermaplaning is a more thorough and safer version of shaving. Shaving with a regular razor comes with a risk of cuts, which any woman who has ever shaved her legs knows! But if women shave their face, it’s considered by many to be an unnatural phenomenon. A professional dermaplane treatment is done with a surgical-grade scalpel, in swift, delicate strokes. May 14, 2020 4 Comments.