cry baby bridge sc

Crybaby Lane is a creepy little stretch of deserted grass off Western Boulevard in Raleigh with a sad, scary story tied to it.

The story about Cry Baby Creek Bridge is that a young mother and her baby were traveling home on Highway 601 late at night. It's just around the corner. People have reported seeing a woman wearing a white dressing gown on this bridge. It's just around the corner. Located next to the new "replacement" bridge, this Cry Baby Bridge is no longer open to vehicular traffic. The REAL Crybaby Creek Bridge GPS Coordinates: N 34° 39.171 W 080° 31.183 I know you have heard this one. South Carolina has a bridge with a similar tale connected to it, like the one above. Cry Baby Bridge Anderson, South Carolina 57.3 miles from Newberry, SC. At the High Shoals point, the road crosses the Rocky River and the bridge spans this waterway. Location of Cry Baby Bridge: The Cry Baby Bridge is on High Shoals Road south of Anderson near Pine Lake Golf Club. i went with my boyfriend a coupe of years ago and we done the whole keys on top of the car thing and when we got to the other side of the bridge we heard the woman say, ” where’s my baby?” and it would get louder and louder each time she said it. He would be arriving home the next day. One of the most famous cry baby bridges in the state, the iron construction still sits alongside a modern concrete bridge connecting two sides of the county. There is even a Wikipedia entry about Cry Baby Bridges, but it is rather incomplete. Passer-by's claim to have seen a lady in a white dress on the old bridge, looking for someone. The bridge is surrounded by a beautiful Mimosa Tree that makes for a very picturesque photo. Witnesses have reported spotting a woman's spirit wearing a white gown on the bridge.

One thing I noticed was the abundance of "Cry Baby" bridges in upstate SC. This bridge is locally known as the Crybaby Creek Bridge because legend says that the bridge is a "crybaby bridge" which is a group of bridges upon which paranormal events are supposedly witnessed relating to babies and/or their mothers. South Carolina has more than one "Cry Baby Bridge." the cry baby bridge is true. Crybaby Lane is a creepy little stretch of deserted grass off Western Boulevard in Raleigh with a sad, scary story tied to it. On this blog, there are two other Cry Baby Bridge … Well, here is the story about the real Crybaby Creek… The story begins in the middle of the last century, when what's now called Crybaby Lane was the site of a Roman Catholic orphanage. The one about the bridge where you go and hear the baby cry after you call out "Crybaby, crybaby!" Cry Baby Bridge - Anderson Although there is more than one "Cry Baby Bridge" in South Carolina, this bridge is located next to the new "replacement" bridge and is no longer open to vehicles. Well, … All you have to do is walk along the path of Cry Baby Creek, the very same creek where a …

In the Upstate, there are multiple locations with similar stories, including Cry Baby Bridge on High Shoals Road just south of Anderson, and in Union, near Rose Hill Plantation on Sardis Road. But …

Cry Baby Bridge stories are common in America. Interestingly, tales of “Crybaby Bridges” persist across the country. In fact, there are at least two other Crybaby Bridges in South Carolina, one near Anderson and the other in Pageland. Interesting Facts about Cry Baby Bridge in Anderson, South Carolina: The REAL Crybaby Creek Bridge GPS Coordinates: N 34° 39.171 W 080° 31.183 I know you have heard this one. This truss bridge of rusty steel crosses the Tyger River in Union County.It was built in middle of the twentieth century. The story begins in the middle of the last century, when what's now called Crybaby Lane was the site of a Roman Catholic orphanage. In 1952 the bridge was moved to Anderson South Carolina and the Folklore begins. Cry Baby Bridge was originally built in Virginia in 1919 for Charleston South Carolina to connect two counties together. She was excited to see her husband who had been away at war. then she would ask if you have seen her baby in the water.