Commonly-used Military Acronyms. Here is a long list of common military acronyms to help you understand what you are reading or hearing. TM 30-546 ( OBSOLETE) Glossary Of Soviet Military And Related Abbreviations 1957 This Glossary of Soviet Military and Related Abbreviations is a companion volume to TM 30-544, Glossary of Soviet Military Terminology. The U.S. military uses many acronyms which can be confusing to civilians. Each letter is assigned a word so verbal communications are not misunderstood - particularly between two parties over radio communications. A/C - Aircraft. Contents A
Military rank is a badge of leadership. A/C - Aircraft. 5.
AAA - Anti-aircraft Artillery Responsibility for personnel, equipment and mission grows with each advancement. Most complete and updated daily. Commonly-used Military Acronyms. 3M - Maintenance And Material Management (MMM) A/A - Air-to-air. A A aluminum [element] ampere (electricity, SI unit) angstrom A.B. AAA - Anti-aircraft Artillery c. Shortened word forms (abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms). List of abbreviations, acronyms and initials related to military subjects such as modern armour, artillery, infantry, and weapons, along with their definitions. DOD Dictionary Online Availability and Update Schedule Joint Staff, J-7, does not print copies of the DOD Dictionary.
A/S - Airspeed. What does PDF stand for in Military?
The U.S. military uses many acronyms which can be confusing to civilians.
Military acronyms: The basics for new recruits. boy one; 1st c of mt: first captain of the maintop; 1st c of t: first captain of tops; 1st mus: musician first (writing musician) 2nd c of mt: second captain of the maintop AIT or “A School”: Advanced Individual Training.The hands-on career training and field instruction each service member receives before being qualified to do a specific military job. A/S - Airspeed. Military rank is more than just who salutes whom. Military acronyms and abbreviations dictionary. Military PDF abbreviation meaning defined here. 3M - Maintenance And Material Management (MMM) A/A - Air-to-air. This Glossary of Soviet Military and Related Abbreviations is a companion volume to TM 30-544, Glossary of Soviet Military Terminology. Here is a long list of common military acronyms to help you understand what you are reading or hearing. The United States Military relies on the NATO phonetic alphabet code covering letters A to Z (26 in all). Military and Army Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms cont’d BDU Battle dress uniform (jungle, desert, cold weather) BN Battalion BNCOC Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course CAR Chief of Army Reserve CASCOM Combined Arms Support Command CDR Commander CDS Child Development Services CG Commanding General Top PDF abbreviation related to Military: Panamanian Defense Force AAFES: Army and Air Force Exchange Service.The retailer that operates post exchanges on Army and Air Force installations. Abbreviations and Acronyms ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A A/C/Y/W-135: the tetravalent vaccine A2LA: American Association for Laboratory Accreditation AAFMS: Army Aviation Fighter Management System ABCA’s QSTAG: American, British, Canadian, and Australian’s Quadripartite Standardization Agreement AC: active component of the US Armed Forces Quick reference data codes for military decorations awards and decorations armystudyguide com awards and decorations armystudyguide com common medal and ribbon abbreviations explained Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) artium baccalaureus (bachelor of arts) a.k.a. MIL-STD-12D, MILITARY STANDARD: ABBREVIATIONS FOR USE ON DRAWINGS, AND IN SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS (29 MAY 1981) [S/S BY ASME Y14.38M]., The terms and abbreviations in this standard are limited to those commonly used on drawings, and in specifications, standards, and technical documents. The DOD Dictionary is accessible online in PDF … d. Summary of changes. Browse and search thousands of Military Abbreviations and acronyms in our comprehensive reference resource.