zsh alias ls

... To know with which command the typed alias is being substituted it helps a lot to actually see the expanded command once you hit the space bar. Mine is alias ls="ls -Gp" — the -p adds a slash after each directory. It has a repo full of aliases. When the shell is closed the alias will be lost. Note that setting an alias in this way only works for the life of a shell session.

Open zsh configuration file : sudo vim ~/.zshrc Apply the changes: source ~/.zshrc or .

... such as l which I aliased to exa -ahl, an alternative to ls.
But, we are not going to add -G each time when we want to use lscommand.

And I closed/re-opened putty.

– jmbertucci Jan 4 '15 at 19:50

Use. You may be familiar with the bash function arguments $1, $2, etc… that represent the first and second parameters.We could have used those, but since we don’t know how many arguments will be passed to our script, we are using $@ which represents all the arguments.. Another important things to notice is the command command.

It also contains a more extensive example with a variety of tails you can use. Mine is alias ls="ls -Gp" — the -p adds a slash after each directory. To add aliases, you need to open that file and start adding alias at the bottom (just so we don’t get confused). Note that setting an alias in …

rocknrollMarc / aliases.zsh.

Ask Different Meta your communities . The first two aliases were converted to regular zsh aliases, while the third, since it needed to handle arguments, was converted to a function.

rm file.txt remove file.txt?

If you write this in your shell, from now on ll will be a new available command in the console..

What would you like to do? plugins=( [plugins...] zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions) Reload the configuration. A Bash alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an abbreviation, a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence.

This works in Bash, Zsh, Fish shell and others too. To make an alias persist across shell sessions and reboots a configuration file for the shell should be used. My .zshrc file. However, in Zsh, I get this error: tmux: unknown option -- p usage: list-sessions [-F format] I suspect this is because Zsh is replacing ls of the command with my custom alias for ls: alias -g ls='ls -p --color' I tried setting alias -g tmux\ ls='tmux list-sessions', but that didn't work.

It handles quite a few situations, but the most important is that it will decompress into the current directory (as a normal "tar zxvf foo.tar.gz" or "unzip foo.zip") if-and-only-if there was exactly …

Ask Different Meta your communities . echo "alias ls='ls -G'" >> ~/.zshrc # Reload ZSH source ~/.zshrc It looks better now: 2.2.7 Key bindings.


In Bash, running tmux ls works properly.

~/.zshrc or you can restart your terminal session.

Building on the previous example an alias can be directly set in the shell as follows. The zsh shell, such as many others, supports aliases to minimize the amount of typing required. macOS zsh configuration. Embed Embed this gist in your website. It handles quite a few situations, but the most important is that it will decompress into the current directory (as a normal "tar zxvf foo.tar.gz" or "unzip foo.zip") if-and-only-if there was exactly …

If you are using zsh it is the .zshrc file. The alias command allows the user to launch any command or group of commands (including options and filenames) by entering a single word.

For me, it provides that much more visual differentiation, which is helpful. zsh-aliases-exa Purpose. Typing alias lists all of your current aliases. To use it, you should first install exa. ... oh-my-zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration.

I used to use something similar, but atool is far superior. With globbing (a Zsh feature), you can list files with a particular extension. ... you may want to give oh-my-zsh a try.