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CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION. Played by Eric Szmanda. Eric was born and raised in Wisconsin where he was active in school plays and community theatre. Directed by Eagle Egilsson. Russell), William L. Petersen (Gil Grissom). 1 decade ago. Greg Sanders is a second year intern at The Desert Palm Hospital and for some strange reason, he has a slight case of déjà vu of a brown-haired man with a Texan accent and this is basically the story on how Greg met his soulmate. They are on the case 24/7, scouring the scene, collecting the irrefutable evidence, and finding the missing pieces that will solve the mystery. After becoming a regular in season 3, he became a … In CSI:Las Vegas Greg Sanders hits a suspect in crime when he had no weapons but he was in a car.

A referee named Rick Shimada was found dead in the fighting ring. After 15 seasons and more than 300 episodes, the CSI team of D.B. Eric Kyle Szmanda (/ s ə ˈ m æ n d ə /; born July 24, 1975) is an American actor.He is best known for having played Greg Sanders in the CBS police drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a role he held from the show's beginning in 2000 until it ended in 2015. Eric Szmanda As Greg Sanders – Then Greg Sanders is another CSI character who was originally brought onto the show to bring a much-needed comic relief to what were generally serious affairs. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de CSI: Crime Scene Investigation com Gregory "Greg" Sanders Eric Szmanda, as Greg Sanders, started out as "CSI's" comic relief: the wet-behind-the-ears trainee. CSI Las Vegas and Greg Sanders, what happened to him?

In the process there is a remark in lab about Sanders being gone. Plot. Favorite Answer . Nick searches for a cop killer with the help of the victim's canine partner, and the … Answer Save. Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda) holds paperwork in a rain storm that will place him in the middle of an investigation as to whether or not he planted evidence framing a man for murder seven years ago, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Wednesday, Nov. 6 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on … Eric Szmanda, as Greg Sanders, started out as "CSI's" comic relief: the wet-behind-the-ears trainee. Lv 7. he had to go to court because the guy died and I had a question if he gets fired.

With Ted Danson, Elisabeth Shue, George Eads, Jorja Fox. I hope he dosent because he's awesome!!! It was safe to say that you had two amazing best friends in the crime lab in which you worked at. Very cute. Cath… REQUESTED by anon.

Suspect Hank Hackett is murdered halfway through the investigation, making it a double homicide. 1 Answer.