why am i still angry at my ex

... but I am still royally ticked off. We stayed friends for about 2 more months after the break up and is now in a serious relationship with a new girl. What I am also hearing is the anger in your writing. Even though we hadn't spoken in more than a year, I was convinced that I was still in love with him. I think you were angry with him because, as you said, you are still in love with him and you know it was his stalling that pushed you away. Samantha is still angry at Rick and is having a difficult time not letting her anger affect her decision. Breakups are never easy. We met through work and dated for 18 months. I’m still angry at my ex .

I feel the luckiest lady alive to have my wonderful fiance and our two babies so people don't understand when I say I'm still hurt over my ex. Let us know in the comments below what you did to placate your angry ex. For those who feel like “My ex hates me,” here are 8 reasons why he might be angry and hateful towards you: 1. If you can’t talk on the phone or be in the same room with your ex-spouse without feeling your stomach clutch, then you’re still attached. This is why I still write these articles — because I’m still mad at my ex for the unfinished business that I was left to cope with on my own.
By openly admitting my anger, hopefully I can eventually let it go. Even when you're ready to … She is passive aggressive and only brings things up weeks or months after the fact. As hurt as I was I didnt run after him. I’d love to hear what did and didn’t work for you. Anger How to Stop Being Angry at Your Ex 4 ways to let go and reclaim your peace of mind. My ex is very angry and honestly I have no idea why. We haven't spoken in 3 years too.

my ex and I are still texting 3 months since our affair ended and shes trying again with the ex she broke up with to start our thing. she hates that you still have feelings for her and just want you to stop like her. If you really want her back at least play "care" when she is around. His anger … I am going to go to my doctors next week and ask for counselling because my feelings are getting no better. ... but when that ended I found myself thinking about my ex more and more. Trust me, you will appreciate it and so will your angry ex. Thats why I can relate to what you are going through. It was something that I couldn't understand. I just wish someone would understand. why I think this is because you said she was not emotional when she broke up. You see, when my ex boyfriend broke from me, he got angry and stuff, cos I kept calling him and texting him. even if she attemps to speak to you just answere carelessly and have really fun with your co-workers. Nathan may suffer. She broke up with me over a small argument and accused me of emotionally abusing her which is not true. March 21, 2018. He tells this girl on facebook in front of all our old friends how he is so in love with her and plans to be with her forever and marry her. My ex broke up with me after being together for 4 years and started seeing a new girl 2 days later.

Throughout this time we bought a house, shared two gorgeous dogs and completed university together. But understanding why your ex is angry and hateful can help you accept it for now, tolerate it, and not play into his or hands by fighting back and being mean and angry and hateful back. Let me start of by saying that it is understandable that you are angry. Why It's So Hard To Get Over An Ex Who Hurt You, According To Experts. If the issue is that you're still feeling hurt or angry at your ex and can't stop thinking about that, your partner may understand — or even have been through the same thing. I feel like I was taken advantage of. You are angry at your ex and everything that he has done. But I wanted to be with him and he was distant and cold towards me. I feel used. I've been broken up with my ex for 3 years now and I'm some times still angry at her.

He said he wanted to be left alone and to give him some space. Things went horribly wrong when she broke up with me and confessed to cheating with another coworker who is married. Not until I realized I had to move on and forgive my ex was I able to change my future and have a fulfilling relationship.

I remember vividly my ex telling me he was angry and would be “for a very long time.” Welp, it’s been 16 long years and he is still angry.
When I was in high school I met my ex husband and five years later we were married. During the break-up she accused me to things that happened so long ago and some I don’t remember.