symbols of the unconscious

The first thing you need to do is to stop using the meanings of the symbols that others provide because each mind is a different case. We decode meaning through images and, often without realizing, are swayed by the power of their attendant associations. Understanding the unconscious symbols. The definition of Archetype is “ an original model after which other similar things are patterned ” (Calvin S. Hall and Vernon J. Nordby from their book “A Primer of Jungian Psychology”). A primary method for making sense of the world is by interpreting its symbols. So how can you understand the subconscious symbols? The Book of Symbols: Carl Jung’s Catalog of the Unconscious Why Sarah Palin identifies with the grizzly bear, or what the unconscious knows but doesn’t reveal.
By Kirstin Butler. The Collective Unconscious is made up of Archetypes and Symbols.

Many believe that we tap into the Collective Unconscious when we dream.