meteor that killed the dinosaurs facts

On the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, near the town of Chicxulub, Mexico, is a crater about 120 miles (193 kilometers) in diameter. 16. What killed the dinosaurs?

The Chicxulub crater is a buried impact crater (180 km wide) on the coast of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula that is believed to have caused widespread destruction and global climate disruption, resulting in the deaths of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.


The impact specifies that it had a diameter of 11-81 km and caused an energy blast measuring up to 21-921 billion Hiroshima bombs worth. The Asteroid Impact That Killed The Dinosaurs Was Powerful Enough To Send Earth Rocks To Mars And Europa.

See what we know and don't know about the age of dinos. Earth is a moving target in a shooting gallery. Almost every day, a small chunk of space rock passes within a few million kilometres of the planet – often unseen. in Interesting Facts, Science Facts. According to scientists, the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs (remember that it was a meteorite as it entered Earth’s atmosphere and reached Earth’s surface) managed to release a dust cloud so humongous that it nearly covered the entire Earth and prevented the sun rays to reach the planet. The Asteroid Impact That Killed The Dinosaurs Was Powerful Enough To Send Earth Rocks To Mars And Europa. Random Meteorite Fun Facts: 16-20.

by Patrick Bennet March 29, 2017, 7:08 am 921 Views 0 …

The Asteroid Impact That Killed The Dinosaurs Was Powerful Enough To Send Earth Rocks To Mars And Europa. Death of the dinosaurs. The fact the impact and mass extinction may have been virtually simultaneous in time supports the idea that the cosmic impact dealt the age of dinosaurs its deathblow. Earth-Shattering Impact!.

The Asteroid Impact That Killed The Dinosaurs Was Powerful Enough To Send Earth Rocks To Mars And Europa. New rocky evidence has been emerging about the dinos’ final days This is an artist’s representation of what may have killed the dinosaurs – although he took some license in representing species that were not all alive at the same time. The asteroid that created this crater was about 6 miles (10 kilometers) wide and hit the Earth 65 million years ago.

The Chicxulub crater is what scientists rely on for evidence to support this theory. Over the years, many theories as to why dinosaurs went extinct were put forward (including some that suggested an asteroid strike), but none offered a entirely satisfactory explanation.

The dinosaur-killing crash threw huge amounts of debris into the air and caused massive tidal waves to wash over parts of the American continents. Share Tweet. in Interesting Facts, Science Facts.