laura branigan disc

Multi-Platinum Singer, Songwriter, and Actress. Offered for sale is an original Japanese pressing of Branigan 2 by Laura Branigan, complete with obi.. About this copy: This copy of Branigan 2 is an original 1983 Japanese pressing, complete with obi and lyric insert.. Aside from a fold in the obi, the record, cover and insert are all M-. 3:50. Wikane has drawn on the vivid memories of Mathieson, White, Warren and Veitch to skillfully craft his detailed essay.

Laura Branigan - Spanish Eddie + Forever Young + Maybe Tonight - Nöjesmassakern 1985. Laura Branigan's full, expressive voice shows serious growth on this, her second album.A much more cohesive collection than her first disc, the material on Branigan 2 utilizes her vocals to their fullest extent; and while there were many filler songs on her debut, this album doesn't waste a single track. Laura passed away in 2004.

Billboard Hot 100 for 36 weeks, then a record for a female artist, peaking at No. 1,487 talking about this.

+ $2 handing fee which goes to my 16 year old son who helps out. First Japanese CD Version can be found here : Laura Branigan - Branigan 2 Made in Japan (disc) Printed in Japan (back insert). Her signature song, the platinum-certified 1982 single "Gloria", stayed on the U.S. Vocals – Laura Branigan; Written-By – Adrian John Loveridge (tracks: 3, 6), Alan Sorrenti (tracks: 9), Brian Gardner ... Disc label: (P) 1982 Atlantic for the US Made in West Germany by PolyGram Reverse/tray insert: (P) 1982 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States. • Disc Two features all the related bonus material of Laura Branigan from this period. 254 talking about this. These are the only three disc variations that I am aware of for this target CD. Disc Two features all the related bonus material of Laura Branigan from this period. Ignorera Besök.. Sparad från

Shine On: The Ultimate Collection is a digitally remastered two-disc greatest hits compilation album of American singer Laura Branigan. This deluxe reissue of Laura's best-selling 1984 studio album features remastered original album tracks on Disc 1, and remastered remixes, B-Sides, and extras on Disc 2, as well as original artwork, extensive liner notes, and a comprehensive UK discography. Jun 10, 2016 - Laura Branigan (12" Mix) Shattered Glass - YouTube. Multi-Platinum Singer, Songwriter, and Actress. Her cinematic, synth-driven, club-friendly dance pop and groundbreaking music videos sent her singles and albums to the top rungs of the charts and made her a huge concert attraction.

Jul 26, 2018 - Laura 1985, 3 songs @ Swedish TV-show "Nöjesmassakern" Håll dig säker och frisk.

Tvätta händerna och distansera dig socialt. It also reached number one in Australia and Canada.In 1984, she reached number one in Canada and Germany with the U.S. No.