how many seahorses are left in the world

Top 10 Endangered Seahorses List and How To Save Them, complete explanation and further information of endangered seahorse species list in the world. Back in 2009, I drew up my own personal bucket list of the 10 marine species that I wanted to photograph before I turned 50. The Knysna seahorse is the best known, and is the only seahorse that is endangered. Some people believe that eating dead seahorses will cure asthma, skin problems and even baldness. The slowest fish in the world is the dwarf seahorse, which is capable of covering only 5 feet in 60 minutes. These seahorses have a short snout, and a coronet on top of their head that is very high and column-like or knob-like in shape. The dynamics of this can vary based on specific species of seahorses. With their miniature equine snouts and beady eyes, seahorses … They do, however, vary within the same species: Seahorses can and do change color and grow and lose skin filaments. They are often known to be in groups and to swap mates within the group. A more recent estimate in 1995, of 1,550,000 in Great Britain (England 1,100,000, Scotland 310,000, Wales 140,000), is more reliable. Project Seahorse is the IUCN global authority on seahorses and their relatives. You may often hear it said that the seahorse will mate for life.

There are 30 to 40 different kinds of seahorses, but only five of these have been seen around the southern African coastline. It is said that every year, around 20 million seahorses are harvested live from the world’s oceans to … With their miniature equine snouts and beady eyes, seahorses look very different than most other fish. An adult eats 30-50 times a day. With so many of them being removed it has also upset some of that balance in many locations. They are used as souvenirs in many countries. The Knysna seahorse is the best known, and is the only seahorse that is endangered. The #2 species on my list is the world’s most Endangered seahorse, the Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis). Seahorses belong to the family of syngnathidae.This word is a combination of two Greek words ‘syn’ meaning fused, and ‘gnathus’ which means jaws. Led by award-winning scientists Dr. Amanda Vincent and Dr. Heather Koldewey, we pioneered the study and conservation of seahorses and continue to lead the push to protect these important animals. They are well known for switching mates often. Like many other seahorse species, it has a variety of color forms, which range from tan to green to almost black. Knysna seahorses are found only in the Knysna, Keurbooms and Swartvlei estuaries on the south coast of South Africa. ... Every year about 20 million seahorses are caught around the world, for medicine or to be sold as curios.

This can have a rippling effect that creates overpopulation of many other living things in the various bodies of water out there around the world.