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Synopsis Charles Grodin was born on April 21, 1935 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Charles Grodin Photo Charles Grodin Married/Children

Charles Grodin, April 21, American film and television actor and radio personality-cum-author, Charles Grodin was born on April 21, 1935, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the United States of America as Charles Grodinsky, He hailed from an orthodox Jewish family. He is 83 years old as of the year 2018. Charles Grodin was born on the 21st April 1935, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA, and is a Golden Globe Award-nominated actor, comedian and author, best known for his roles in such movies as “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968), “The Heartbreak Kid” (1972), and “Midnight Run” (1988). Charles Grodin Age.

Shares a birthday with Andie MacDowell .

Charles Grodin (born April 21, 1935) is an American actor, comedian, author, and former television talk show host.

Grodin’s career … Grodin began his acting career in the 1960s appearing in TV serials including The Virginian.

An American actor, comedian, author, and former television talk show host was born on April 21, 1935, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Charles also played in “Beethoven” (1992) and “Beethoven’s 2nd” (1993). Charles Grodin is an actor, comedian and talk show host known for his roles in The Heartbreak Kid and Beethoven.

His wife, Elissa Durwood Grodin, is an author. After studying acting with Lee Strasberg and Uta Hagen, he made his … Was close friends with actor Gene Wilder , who wanted Grodin to play the role of Charles/Pierre in Start the Revolution Without Me (1970), but Grodin declined, having committed to directing the original Broadway production of Lovers and Other Strangers (1970).