antonio fava school

He teaches Commedia dell’Arte in schools, universities and drama academies throughout the world. Contact Antonio Fava - ArscomicA on Messenger . He directs the International School of the Comic Actor in Reggio Emilia, Italy, as well as teaching Commedia dell’Arte in schools, universities and drama academies throughout the world. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING IN COMMEDIA DELL’ARTE Directed by Antonio Fava – Reggio Emilia, Italy 27th july – 20th august 2020. Antonio Fava It was by the side of his father, a famous Pulcinella in Scandale, Calabria, Italy, that Maestro Antonio Fava was to develop his passion for Commedia dell'Arte.

He directs the Scuola Internazionale dell’Attore Comico – SIAC (International School of the Comic Actor) in Reggio Emilia, Italy. He directs the International School of the Comic Actor in Reggio Emilia, Italy, as well as designing and making leather masks for use in his school and professional productions.

Maestro Antonio Fava is a founder of the company Teatro del Vicolo and the International School of the Comic Actor in Reggio Emilia, Italy. ANTONIO FAVA is an actor, author, theatre director, Maestro of Commedia dell’Arte and of Comedy. Thanks to the formation of an art school for Italian and foreign actors and his collaboration with leading theatre companies his masks are now on display in various museums worldwide. Faction of Fools Washington DC based company, true to the original form with a very informed history page. Antonio Fava It was by the side of his father, a famous Pulcinella in Scandale, Calabria, Italy, that Antonio Fava was to develop his passion for Commedia dell'Arte. Performing Arts School in Reggio Nell Emilia. Actor, Author, Director, Teacher, Musician (Flute), Composer and Mask Maker. ANTONIO FAVA is an actor, author, theatre director, Maestro of Commedia dell’Arte and of Comedy. Students created Commedia scenes in class and here is one finished product. ANTONIO FAVA is an actor, author, theatre director, Maestro of Commedia dell'Arte and of Comedy. Community See All. TASIS sixth-grade drama class performs "commedia dell'arte" for the Elementary School Carnevale assembly. Antonio Fava was born in Scandale, KR, at 5:45 a.m. one spring day in 1949. Each commedia character has a specific physical shape and way of moving. Antonio Fava is an Actor, Author, Theatre Director, maestro of Commedia dell’Arte and of Comedy. He designs and makes leather masks for use in his School and performances. Antonio Fava, world renowned Commedia dell’Arte expert, master classes in Philadelphia, sponsored by the International Opera Theatre at the Ethical Society of Philadelphia, February 8-12, followed by special visits to universities and theaters in the greater Philadelphia area, from February 15-19, 2016. Welcome to ArscomicA’s Store. The INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF COMIC ACTING has trained many actors, directors and drama teachers currently working in public and private cultural institutions all over the world. The play will be again in Reggio Emilia in August 2013 … Antonio Fava The Comic Mask in Commedia dell’Arte, p. 13. Master in Management dei Beni Culturali ; Master in Conservation and Restoration of Historical and Artistic Assets He designs and makes leather masks for use in his School and performances. Corso di perfezionamento ; Palazzo Spinelli - Firenze. Page Transparency See … Antonio Fava is an actor, comedian, writer, Director, musician, Creator of the mask and the world-famous Maestro of Comedy dellarte, who lives in Reggio Emilia, Italy. He directs the International School of the Comic Actor in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Origini Italia Program: Application Form (The Application Period is open: January 16, 2017 - March 31, 2017) Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa. Antonio Fava’s school website – fantastic resource by the maestro Antonio Fava: history, characters, buy masks, buy his books, train with him. The Commedia Marinaresca NAUFRAGHI, CORNA E ZUCCHERO by I NAUFRAGHI TEATRO – company born from the International School of the Comic Actor- produced and directed by Antonio Fava. He moved to permanent residence in Reggio Emilia. He directs the Scuola Internazionale dell’Attore Comico – SIAC (International School of the Comic Actor) in Reggio Emilia, Italy. He designs and makes leather masks for use in his School and performances. 1,407 people follow this. 4.8 out of 5 stars. It was exhausting, and I was frequently dripping with sweat by the end of the first hour. Antonio Fava, world renowned Commedia dell’Arte expert, master classes in Philadelphia, sponsored by the International Opera Theatre at the Ethical Society of Philadelphia, February 8-12, followed by special visits to universities and theaters in the greater Philadelphia area, from February 15-19, 2016. Antonio Fava - ArscomicA. This love would lead him to become a world-renowned authority on the subject and to create a multi-lingual school, like non other, where international actors come to learn theatrical skills rooted in the Italian Renaissance.