angel baby videos

Angel Baby Angel Baby; 59 videos; 4,021 views; Last updated on Feb 7, 2017; Play all Share. ... Angel Baby - Ms. Fronted by lead singer Rosie Hamlin (July 21, 1945 - March 30, 2017) the group produced two singles (including "Angel Baby") for Highland Records and, like many other artists of the era, ended up in protracted legal battles with their record label over royalties and credits. Rosie and the Originals were an American 1960s group best known for their single, "Angel Baby." Rosie and the Originals were an American 1960s group best known for their single, "Angel Baby." Sign in to YouTube. Related Videos 1:01 #ThrowbackThursday #AztlanRadio 88.3FM This how we doing it tonight... just like the song says till 7am on 88.3FM an worldwide at www.Kucr.Org #AngelBabyOldies Dedications an Requests 951.827.kucr Pretty Brown Angel - (Official Music Video) by Angel Baby. 3:38. Related Videos 1:01 #ThrowbackThursday #AztlanRadio 88.3FM This how we doing it tonight... just like the song says till 7am on 88.3FM an worldwide at www.Kucr.Org #AngelBabyOldies Dedications an Requests 951.827.kucr Loading... Save. Sign in. Fronted by lead singer Rosie Hamlin (July 21, 1945 - March 30, 2017) the group produced two singles (including "Angel Baby") for Highland Records and, like many other artists of the era, ended up in protracted legal battles with their record label over royalties and credits. King CJ & Skruface & Angel Baby & …