alternately vs alternatively

ALTERNATELY means to occur in turns, repeatedly: "Jessie and Samantha alternately cleaned their cat's litter box.

Alternatively is an adverb formed by adding -ly to the word alternative, which also derives from the Latin word alternatus. It is therefore important not to mix them up in your writing. 160 sentence examples: 1. –iv after the second t is present in one while absent in other. Alternately and alternatively are two words that have only a slight difference in them i.e. Alternatively means another choice, on the other hand, another possibility. For example, it’s used in the media, such as in a traffic report: “A tractor-trailer jackknifed, dumping a load of … Adverb (-) in an alternative way * 1998 , Marie D. Hoff (editor), Sustainable Community Development , page 99: Observers should keep in mind that these efforts at living alternatively are not easily undertaken; indeed, if they were, more people would be doing what they do.

Jessie did it in the morning and Samantha's turns were at night." Alternately means one after another or consecutively whereas alternatively means another choice or possibility. Alternatively, I would like to see a horror movie." More example sentences ‘she sounds alternately confused and confident’ 2 North American sentence adverb As another option or possibility; alternatively. 3. You could, alternatively, hang onto it in the hope that it will be worth millions in 10 years time. alternatively - traduction anglais-français. Remember, alternately refers to several things following each other in turn, alternatively refers to a different, separate option or choice. Translate alternately into Spanish. Therefore, this is the key difference between alternately and alternatively. alternatively Sentence Examples These steps are symbolic of the rising, culminating and setting of the sun, or alternatively the course of the solar deity through the three divisions of the universe. It is thus important not to mix them up in your writing. Check out our guide below for advice and examples of how they should be used. Learn more. ALTERNATIVELY offers another option: "Jessie, you can clean the litter box every morning or, alternatively,… Alternately (adverb) In reciprocal succession; succeeding by turns; in alternate order. Alternately (adverb) Alternatively. Nathan and Simon are going to the movies. The agency will make trav The words "alternate" vs. "alternative" are closely related and can serve as synonyms at times, but they can't be used interchangeably in all cases.