INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) - INTEGRATED NATIONAL FINANCING FRAMEWORK (INFF) ASSESSMENT AND TO DEVELOP AN INFF ROADMAP. 18037-2020: Consultoría para el fortalecimiento y soporte técnico de la plataforma INDICA IGUALDAD 2.0. PROCESO COL 0000128948 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 2 – DVR. Sherqat, Salahaddin Governorate, Iraq, UNDP-CYP-RFQ-013-EID-8400-2021 - Design and Supervision Services for the Community Centres in the village of Risokarpaso/Dipkarpaz in northern part of Cyprus, Appel à propositions Innovation Challenge en réponse à la COVID-19, IC URU/18/G31 – 1046 “Consultor/a Nacional para la identificación y sistematización de información social, económica y productiva con foco en género y generaciones, en las áreas de intervención de las medidas de adaptación al cambio climático priorizadas, PROCESO COL 0000120501 ITB Adquisición de equipos, herramientas e insumos tecnológicos, logísticos y físicos para el control de la deforestación en zonas focalizadas de Colombia (UNODC). Suivez toute l'actualité française et internationale avec les News 24/7 Consultancy Services to Conduct Low Carbon Cities Webinar Series. On sait que le temps des fêtes qui approche sera difficile. That's why we're on a mission to become the ultimate online playground for players and game developers alike. COL 00000127229 Consultoria Individual, Proceso No. Formulaire de rétractation & tarifs retour, Découvrez les conseils et astuces JardinDéco. CALL FOR IDEAS “Women in leadership – Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”, RFP-BD-2021-003: Hiring a firm for Development & Maintenance of Judicial Service Delivery Platform (Enhancing & Integrating Judicial Dashboard, Portal, Cause-list)-a2i, Firm for setting up the CCIKM NAP web portal, IC/UNDP/HGI/036/2021 - Consultant to Develop Technical Guidelines of HIV Services Through Telemedicine, Firm for the Greening of the Philippines’ Recovery and Resilience Strategies, CI-011-2021 "Consultoría para el acompañamiento técnico en la implementación del Sello de Igualdad de Género en el Sector Público", ETH2263: Procurement of Maket Shed and Waste Container, CONTRATO INDIVIDUAL: Estrategia de comunicación PPD, PCI-012-2021 Servicios de consultoría para brindar tutoría y administración de la comunidad en línea de los Cursos virtuales en materia de Ética Pública, Integridad Corporativa y Gobierno Abierto Municipal, PROCESO COL 0000128063 Suministro e instalación de plantas de tratamiento de agua potable para pozo profundo en el municipio de Uribe Meta Corregimiento de la Julia Veredas Buenos Aires y La Pista, SDP-03-2021 DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACION SISTEMA ADM. COMPENSACION, SDP 02 2021 INVESTIGACION Y SEGURIDAD INVI, SDC-004-2021 Compra de 8 equipos laptop para el proyecto BUR3. Les véhicules dont le NIV commence par « 1 », « 4 » ou « 5 » sont assemblés aux États-Unis. Les six caractères suivants (du 3 e au 8 e) constituent la Section de description du véhicule. 04/2021 “Consultoría de apoyo técnico para el diagnóstico sobre el ejercicio de la medicina legal en contextos de violencia de género”, Mantenimiento y reparación de turbinas y reductores y provisión de repuestos para la Planta Industrial de PETROPAR en la ciudad de Mauricio José Troche, AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1237, RFP Design and Supervision - Iliria 9-Year school, Request for Proposal No. IC-2021-009_Национальный эксперт по сопровождению и координации работ в реализации II-го этапа Программы кредитования «Эко-Даму»/National expert on support and coordination of work during implementation of the second phase of the Eco Damu micro-loan, IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/034/2021 - Gender and Social Inclusion for COVID 19 Recovery, RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT INTERNATIONAL CHARGE DE REALISER UNE ETUDE SPECIFIQUE PORTANT SUR LE THEME ( ROLE DE L'INNOVATION DANS LA TRANSFORMATION STRUCTURELLE DE L'ECONOMIE GUINEENNE), RFP/002/21 - Tender on provision of integrated management system certification services for the Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, RFQ/018/21 Supply and Delivery of furniture and equipment, National Consultant for Mapping the Agri-Tech Platforms in Agricultural Development in Cambodia, IC/UNDP/UNODC/030/2021 - Consultant for Study on Methamphetamine Flows from the Middle East into Indonesia, IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/035 - Consultant for Developing the Concept of Village Responsible Mining and Mercury-Free for Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Sites, UNDP/IC/004/2021-Senior Technical Advisor, CFP for NGOs managing small grants programme, RFP-2020-070: Provision of services on development and implementation of comprehensive measures for integrated pasture management to reduce threats to the forest ecosystems/ Разработка и реализация комплексных мер по интегрированному управлению пастбищами, National Consultant as National Recovery Coordinator, Rehabilitation of 170 Houses in Al-Eiadhiah-Telafar District-Ninawa Governorate, Incubation and Capacity Building for MSMEs, IC/UNDP/SPOI/033/2021 - UNDP - Consultant to Develop Policy Paper to Assess One Year Implementation of NAP SPO, National Consultant for Procurement of Health Care Waste Treatment Equipment/Facility (For Philippine nationals only), 3409 PAN 2021 la contratación de Un (1) Consultor/a para consultoría en Situación Laboral de las Mujeres en Panamá por efectos del COVID-19: Medidas aplicadas, respuestas y desafíos, Communication Specialist for the Healthcare Waste Management Project (For Philippine nationals only), Programme Support Consultant (For Philippine nationals only), Expert en Froid-Climatisation ou Electromécanique, ITB-LBY-SFL-2021-8504 - Rehabilitation of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Center - Tawergha - Libya, Contaminated Sites Management Expert for Identification and Remediation of Contaminated Sites with POPs Project, ETH2269 National Clinical Consultant Doctor, ETH2269A Recruitment of National Clinical Consultant nurse, Reconstructing Transmission Pipeline between Al Danadan WTP and Booster station, Textile Factory-West Mosul, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq, International Consultant - Legal Expert – Rule of Law, ITB-UNDP-PETRA-128542-002-2021 Construction of Health and School Facilities in Donggala District - Central Sulawesi, RFP/2021/04: Consulting services for Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan - The Facilitation of Local Businesses Plans Through Value Chain and Market Analysis in the Recycling and Composting Sector, ETH2259:International Firm to Establish Trade PolicyFramework (TPF),Trade Policy Statment and Implementation Plan For Ethiopia, Advisor on psycho-social issues and approaches for attending to survivors of GBV (Qualified National Consultant), Recrutement d'un(e) consultant(e) chargé(e) d’une étude sur l’impact socio-économique de la crise COVID-19 sur les personnes et groupes vulnérables et/ou discriminé(e)s, Proceso No. RFQ/008/21 E-mentoring Platform Solution - DFF - extension of deadline! RFP/003/21 PR and Communications Support to Diaspora for Development (D4D) Project - EXTENSION OF DEADLINE!!! Consultoria para planificacion estrategica, RFP 020/11 Technical Consultancy Services to Conduct Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and Develop Adaptation Concept and Plan for Armenia’s Agriculture Sector, 127/RFQ/PNUD-UNUDC/2021- Achat des mobiliers de bureau, RFQ/UNW/HAI/021/002 Appel d’offre Firme de communication pour le développement d’une stratégie de communication pour la diffusion d’informations sur les Services Essentiels disponibles pour les femmes et les filles survivantes de violences, PROCESO COL 0000125206 Consultoría para apoyar la implementación de las estrategias de fortalecimiento de capacidades y aspectos normativos necesarios para la gestión de las 22 entidades relacionadas con el sector de la pequeña minería, La réalisation des supports de communication pour la promotion des prestations des Centres d’Orientation et d’Assistance des PSH (COAPH), TDR pour la conception et le déploiement d’une campagne de sensibilisation et de communication sur le handicap au Maroc, PROCESO COL 0000129000 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Consultoría para Asistencia Técnica en Estadística - SGR, PROCESO COL 0000128964 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR, PROCESO COL 0000128961 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 3 - DVR, RFP National Consultant Field Officer UNDP/GCCA+ project, Appel d'offres n° UNDP/RFQ/2021/003 sélection d’une compagnie d’assurance pour l’assurance de la flotte automobile du Bureau Pays PNUD, PROCESO COL 0000128959 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Técnico - Nivel 4 - DVR, PROCESO COL 0000128953 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Jurídico Regional - Nivel 4 –DVR, PROCESO COL 0000128949 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional de Control Interno – Nivel 4-DVR. SDC09-2021"Adquisición de Equipos y Herramientas para uso de Gases a Base de Hidrocarburos del Ministerio de Medioambiente y Recursos Naturales”, 261-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP Peer-to-peer mentorship program for ex-combatants: veteran to veteran, CONCURSO No. Civil Engineer to support the rehabilitation and constructions civil works for the Ministry of Health of Sao Tomé and Principe. Recevez nos bons plans, astuces déco et offres privilèges en vous inscrivant à la Newsletter. PROCESO COL 0000128084 Suministrar elementos para proyecto panelero en Tallambi – Municipio de Cumbal – Nariño. Letâs play! In the 2+ week period during which a Space is pending destruction, you cannot reuse that Space's name. Le meilleur de l'actualité, du sport, du divertissement et de la finance est sur MSN Québec. Nous répondons à vos questions du lundi au jeudi 10h-12h30/13h30-16h00 Vendredi 10h-12h30/13h30-16h00. Points / Sciences, 408 p. Cinéma, télévision RFP/008/21 Building capacities of women leaders to better navigate the political system in BiH and to affect societal transformation, LBN-CO-ITB-33-21 Hygiene Kits and Baby Kits, Strategic Planning Consultant to develop UNOSSC Strategic Framework (2022-2025), RFQ 06-2021 Design and Development of Communication and Engagement Strategy and plan, Framework Agreement: Senior Technical Advisor (UNDP/GEF), ETH2106R: National Economic Consulant for Ministry of Mining and Petroleum, Individual Consultant-Senior Researcher on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in the Arab Region, MNG/RFP/2021/004 - National Vendors - Development of training module for CSOs on budget monitoring, IC/UNDP/KALFOR/042/2021 - UNDP - Consultant for MTR Kalfor Project (National Consultant), BIH-ITB-004-21 equipment for detection of illicit weapons, narcotics and explosives, 31-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-RPP_Providing a series of training sessions for trainers on integrating STEM approach into secondary education, MNG/IC/2021/029 - National Consultant - SDG Advisor, MNG/IC/2021/028 - National Consultant - Ethics Officer who supports to the Ethics Councils in the Local Government, MNG/IC/2021/027 - National Consultant - Ethics Officer who supports to the Ethics Councils in the Central Government, MNG/2021/IC/026 - National Consultant - Legal Expert, MNG/IC/2021/025 - National Consultant - Lead Expert on competency based Human Resources Management in the civil service, RFQ-2021-006 Purchase of 90 smartphones with accessories/Закуп 90 смартфонов с аксессуарами, IC/006/21 - Multimedia Designer Consultant, IC/005/21 - Website Design and Development Consultant, Individual consultancy - Long-Term Agreement - National Digital Engagement Specialist – 3 candidates will be selected (alternate LTAs in which contracting will be based on availability and raking) - LBN-CO-IC-48-21, Recrutement d'un Expert National Expert formateur sur l’Après COVID : Prise en charge et conseils, Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur sur la Gestion des voies aériennes d’un patient atteint de COVID 19 en milieu de réanimation (Simulation), Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en Ventilation non invasive-CPAP et Ventilation invasive, Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en Oxygénothérapie à débit standard et à haut débit, Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur sur l’Accès à des plateformes e-learning, Call for proposal for CSO to Establish a Network of Women CSOs and Support the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) to Provide Awareness and Monitor the Courts E in Bong and Nimba Counties, Call for proposal for CSOs to support the establishment of Justice and Conference Centers for the provision of legal aid services, psychosocial support to survivors of SGBV and human rights awareness, Call for proposals for CSO to conduct study on factors that fuel corruption and their patterns and provide training and support for CSOs and the media to monitor and investigate corruption cases, Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur en Techniques de prélèvements et interprétation des tests de dépistage, Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur sur le Rôle du médecin généraliste dans le dépistage, diagnostic et la prise en charge du patient COVID 19, Recrutement d'un Expert National formateur des cadres institutionnels d’autres Ministères et organismes clés dans la réponse à la COVID-19, Recrutement d'un Expert National Expert formateur Informer et former dans la prise en charge de la femme enceinte dans le contexte de la Covid 19, Individual Contractor (IC) – Research and Data Analysis Consultant, RFQ 8573 Solar Dryer-Supply Delivery and Install, CI-013-2021 Servicios de Consultoría para “Diseño de Estrategia de Género en la Implementación y Gestión Local del Proyecto, e Instrumentos de Políticas para la Gestión Sostenible de Paisajes Productivos de Montaña”, CI-014-2021 “Servicio de Consultoría para acompañar al municipio de Yamasá, Provincia Monte Plata, en la formulación de su Plan Municipal de Desarrollo, tomando en cuenta las consideraciones conservación biodiversidad, manejo sostenible bosques y suelos", PROCESO COL 0000130009 Seleccionar una Organización que diseñe e implemente un ejercicio de prospectiva territorial para la construcción de la visión compartida de Bienestar Colectivo de Buenaventura, 3422 PAN 2021 – Consultor/a Asistente en Educación Musical – Cátedra: Percusión para Educación Especial”, ToRs for Establishing a Crowdfunding Academy RFQ 09-2021, CONCURSO No. et Belles-Lettres. 540,219 talking about this. Tempo Santé - Offre spéciale 5 numéros (16 à 20) Nos moyens de paiement. 05/2021 “Desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una Aplicación Móvil de información geolocalizada y canal de comunicación con Operadorxs del Consejo Provincial de la Mujer e Igualdad de Género de la Provincia de Jujuy para casos de personas en situació, Technical Experts on Digital Finance, Migration and Remittances (Roster), Proceso No. IC/UNDP/RRU-MPTF/026/2021 - Consultant for the Development of Synthesis Report COVID-19 MPTF, UNDPIRH-CFP-202101-Developing Portfolio of the City Experiment Fund, 17998-2020 - ACUERDO A LARGO PLAZO (LTA) PARA EL APOYO EN LA ESTRATEGIA DE COMUNICACIÓN DEL ÁREA DE GÉNERO DEL PNUD Y MANTENIMIENTO Y MANEJO DE LA PLATAFORMA DE AMÉRICA LATINA GENERA, National Short-Term Expert for the Technical Capacity Development Support to the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy (GCGA) in line with EU and International Standards and Best Practices. 22561 Recherche de jeux. Aide / FAQ; Conditions générales de vente RfP21/02203 - Law Enforcement / Design, Development, and Implementation of MIA’s Information System “Recruitment and Evaluation of Human Resources”, Javni poziv za podnošenje prijedloga projekata za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava u svrhu podrške ženskih medijskih incijativa tokom COVID19 pandemije, ACQUISITION DES KITS POUR LE CASH FOR WORK, Services of Consultant on Gender Issues / National, Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Content and Advocacy development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal, Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Transactional Advisor for an online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal, LBN-CO-ITB-37-21 - Hermel Irrigation Canals - Event ID 0000008516, Re- Advertisement Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) -Digital Development of the online Biodiversity Economy Investment Portal, RFQ/2021/07 Fourniture, installation et mise en service de stations de type GPRS pour l'acquisition et la transmission de données en temps réel, RFQ-072-21-Rehabilitation of Al- Baaj Agriculture, Provision of Individual Service for Nursing Support Coordinator LBN/CO/IC/40/21, ITB-073-21-Rehabilitation of Baiji Asphalt Factory, RFP 03/21 TECHNICAL CONTROL/AUDIT FOR DETAILED DESIGN, RFQ/010/21 Supply and delivery of equipment, tools and material for the Training Center at the Employment Service of the Una-Sana Canton, Feasibility study for Macademia and Cashew Nuts Value Chains Development for Taita Taveta County, A market assessment for the trading of perishable goods and Development and implementation of an e-Commerce Marketplace Platform for the agricultural sector under the JSB COVID PREP project, Services of National Consultant on Social and Environmental Safeguards, Продажа автомобиля ПРООН ФОЛЬКСВАГЕН КАРАВЕЛЛА посредством аукциона с подачей предложений в запечатанных конвертах, Sustainable Employment Opportunities for women and, Cancelled 2021-PN-011-International Specialist for UNDP-GEF Project Development (Team Leader), Multimedia services and products for UNOSSC South-South Cooperation in promoting mutual learning and collaboration for sustainable development - Webinar Series (ten webinars), International GEF Project Development Consultant / PPG Team Leader, IC/UNDP/GOLD-ISMIA/029 - Consultant for Developing the Good Mining Practices Guidelines for Primary Ore Small-Scale Mining Sector, MNG/IC/2021/024 - National Consultant - Public Finance Expert (Ministry of Finance), ADQUISICION DE MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION, RFQ 2021-06 : Sélection d’un centre de formation en vue d’assurer une session de formation en faveur de l’ISIE, Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies and Equipment (RFQ-018-PHL-2021), PROCESO COL 0000126998 Consultoria para el diseño y ejecución de la sistematización del programa de comunidades sostenibles para la paz, Consultoría para la elaboración del marco legal para la gestión de residuos peligrosos, SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA (SdP) N° COL-0000124801, PROCESO COL 0000127225 Formulación de estrategias para el fortalecimiento empresarial de 80 negocios verdes, RFP-LBY-SFL-2021-8461 - Provision of Analytic Support to Conflict Analysis & Response in Libya, Proyecto PNUD ARG 16/006 - Licitación Pública Internacional N.º 01/2021 - “Adquisición de Tensiómetros y Agujas”, AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1233, SDC-08-2021 Const. La durée de validité d'un code est de 2 mois à partir de sa date d'attribution. A HUMAN IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN MOZAMBIQUE – TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR LOCAL EXPERTS –, Local Technical Assistant for Dashoguz province, IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/028/2021 - LTA for Visual Communications Design Services, for Office and Programme Use, RFP Study on Prizren priorities for the citys rec, SUPPORTING ELECTORAL AUTHORITIES OF MOZAMBIQUE TO ENHANCE THE TRANSPARENCY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESS (SEAM) 2018-2021, IC/UNDP/UNRC/027/2021 UN Indonesia’s Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP) 2021, RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service, National PPG Team leader & Biodiversity/IAS, National Safeguards and Gender Consultant, National Blue Green Economy and Livelihoods Consultant, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPORT FOR WOMEN / YOUTH EMPOWERMENT CENTERS IN THE NORTH WEST AND SOUTH WEST REGIONS, UNDP/HHD/ RFP/2021/001 - Strategic Support to a survey of stakeholders and the development of two technical papers to Plan for Access and Delivery in Research & Development of Health Technologies, 3401 PAN 2021 – “Consultor/a en transversalidad de género para la implementación del Sello de Igualdad de Género en el sector público de Panamá”, Evaluation mi-parcours du projet de « renforcement du système de gestion de déchets solides en Haïti (municipalités de Ouanaminthe et de Jérémie) », Proceso No. Drunvalo Melchizedek, Les Mayas du Temps Éternel. Joffre and His Army (English) Dawidowsky, F. (Ferdinand) Glue, Gelatine, Animal Charcoal, Phosphorous, Cements, Pastes and Mucilages (English) (as Author) Dawkins, C. T., 1858-1919 RFQ for Comparative microscope for ballistic exam. Recrutement d’un Consultant National, Statisticien(ne) – ONU-Habitat). Provision of services on strengthening capacities of the participating second tier banks / Предоставление услуг по укреплению потенциала банков-участников второго уровня, Invitation to Prequalification for Morphou WWTP, ITB-001-21 - EE Reconstruction Public Buildings - extension and amendment, 3482 PAN 2021 Asistencia Técnica especializada para la implementación del Componente #3: Apoyo pedagógico integral y continuo. 130/RFQ/GOUDMADA/2021 Sélection d’une Entreprise pour les travaux d’aménagement de Kiosque pour visiteurs de la Cours Suprême sis à Anosy ANTANANARIVO. 286-2021-ITB-HEP-LTA - establishment of Long Term Agreements (LTAs) for the procurement of anti-hepatitis medicines. La pêche est un art⦠Bienvenue sur mon blog, dédié à la pêche en lac dans le Sud-Est de la France. ... très décoratifs mais aussi réellement fonctionnels, à placer directement sur le toit de votre maison ou pignons. At Poki, play is how we learn. L'Ameublement de l'Hôtel de Pitsembourg au milieu du XVIIe siècle Communication faite en séance du 26 avril 1901 (French) (as Author) Dawbarn, Charles. Note technique importante : Cookies Laboratorio de Prototipado Centro Mypimes, Visual/Multimedia Production on Chemicals and Waste Management, SDP n° 02/2021 – PROVISIÓN, INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA EN FUNCIONAMIENTO DE UN SISTEMA DE CAPTACIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DEL GAS GENERADO POR EL RELLENO SANITARIO “FACHINAL” EN LA PROVINCIA DE MISIONES, SDP n° 01/2021 – PROVISIÓN, INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA EN FUNCIONAMIENTO DE PLANTA DE CAPTACIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DE BIOGÁS EN EL RELLENO SANITARIO DEL “PREDIO ECOPARQUE GUALEGUAYCHÚ”, SDC-07-2021 MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION INVI, Розробка поглибленого інструментарію з протидії та запобіганню домашньому насильству для корпоративного сектору, International consultant End term evaluation of project “Strengthening Sustainability in the Health Sector in Developing Countries” - Home based, Cash for Work for Rubble Removal in Al Multaqa, 18318-2021 LTA: Consulting Firm to act as Senior Advisor on District Cooling, IC un(e) expert(e) Pour accompagner l’implémentation du programme d’appui à l’Accélération de la mise en œuvre de la NDC de la Tunisie, International Consultants (3) - Niger - Climate public expenditures review and capacity building on climate risk budgeting. LA LETTRE D'INFORMATION DE L'AIBL . SUPPLY OF BOSCH MIFARE PROGRAMMABLE CARDS AND NON PRORAMMABLE PVC CARDS FOR UNDSS, RFP/007/21 Acquiring and Strenghtening Soft Skills - WiE, RFP Capacity building on establishment of Measurem, Individual Consultancy - National Agricultural Expert - LBN/CO/IC/47/21, RFQ/021/21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment, CFP-PVE-2021-02 Prevention of Violent Extremism with particular attention to Youth, RFQ Online Specialized trainings on cyber security, RFP 2021 03 Online Data Collection and Analysis, IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/040/2021 - Social Innovation Platform and Covid-19 Recovery Facilitator for West Java Province, SERVICING OF SMOKE DETECTORS AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, RFP03/2021: Recrutement d’une firme ou un groupe de firmes (consortium) pour la conduite d’une étude sur la population des NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training ou ni éduqué.e.s, ni scolarisé.e.s, employé.e.s ou en formation) dans trois gouvernor.