It is a unique digital solution that encompass marketing, communications, e-commerce and secure mobile payment options. If this is your first exposure to the info overload busyness of Chinese apps, finding things is a Where’s Waldo experience. Wechat Travel Experience (WTE) is a powerful well-rounded travel application with multiple user-friendly functions. For your first install of the app, steps may differ and the Tour Pass might pop up as an initial option. Even the most rustic street vendors accepts payment via WeChat or Alipay. Creating a WeChat Official Account Creating a WeChat Official Account with an overseas company: In order to abide by the local regulations in terms of media content, WeChat makes it difficult for foreign companies to create WeChat Official Accounts. How to Set up Alipay Tour Pass. Especially designed for Chinese FITs (free independent traveller), to be used as their main travel guide. Alipay Tour Pass works by giving foreign visitors much needed access to a mobile payment platform. How does Alipay Tour Pass work? Tour Pass lets you add funds from an international credit card or debit card. This should help people look a little less touristy in China the next time they pay for … It’s already live, and it lets users shop online with Alipay or use the app to pay at shops and restaurants. There are two main options for foreign companies wanting to have an account on WeChat. Follow along in screenshots. ... Thankfully, Alipay has stepped in to change all that with its Alipay Tour Pass, an e-payment platform especially for foreigners.