(You need to externally rotate your hips out) I am balanced with a low centre of gravity Instead, I would suggest programming the sumo deadlift … Let me know in the comments if you would like to see a follow up article on how to perform the sumo deadlift well. When coaching the lift, I try to keep it as simple and as efficient as possible. Here are the best cues to ensure that your sumo is set for success: -Hips- Keep them low and open up the groin to maximize leverage. Here is my setup and cues in my Sumo. A good go. Sumo deadlift cues? Therein lays the tradeoff with the sumo deadlift. The Best Deadlift Coaching Cues That Work. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Today, we'll focus specifically on deadlift technique coaching cues.
Set up is very crucial and is 70% of the effort in the SD. Below, I have put together a few coaching points to help beginner lifters better grasp the movement. A good test and assistance exercise is the sumo deadlift to knee height; essentially just this first pull followed by a reversal back down to the floor. 1. And therefore it might not have 100% carryover. ... NOW - Cues. Personally, I believe the sumo deadlift is a good movement to know how to get the most out of, and to have in your toolbox if and when required. With so many little nuances and teaching points, it can be hard to think straight and remember them all during the lift. In my first article of this series – Deadlift 101 ... Texas deadlift bars have no center knurling, they are slightly longer (to accommodate a sumo deadlift stance), and they have a ‘whip’ to the bar. About Us. Do it very light and try and get the “feel” of the torso remaining static, with the head and hips in exactly the same position with … This alters the biomechanics of the lift by placing more of the tension on the hips and quadriceps as opposed to the posterior chain. Since 1999, ExRx.net has been a resource for exercise professionals, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts; featuring comprehensive exercise libraries (over 1800 exercises), reference articles, fitness assessment calculators, and other useful tools.. ExRx.net has been endorsed by many certifying organizations, government agencies, medical groups, and universities. In this article, I am going to go into the technical details and main cues for 4 of the most common deadlift variations – the conventional, the Romanian, the straight-leg deadlift and the sumo deadlift. (3 o' clock and 9 o' clock) My inner calves are touching the barbell. A bad setup is a bad sumo. I take my time with my feet positioning. And please ask if you have any questions in the meantime! Technique is always a valuable tool for a lifter, but in the Sumo it’s everything. Videos you watch may be added to the... 3. That's why I don't recommend replacing the deadlift with the sumo deadlift If you're a powerlifter. Now that we have the sumo deadlift explanation out to of the way, let’s look how you're doing it wrong. If you want to learn more deadlift cues, make sure to check out our article on the TOP 10 DEADLIFT CUES FOR STRONGER PULLS. In this video, Ed uses volunteer lifters to demonstrate five key areas where deadlift form can be improved. 5 Coaching Cues: Deadlift. We worked a lot on my form on squats and sumo deadlift, made several changes which at first felt awkward but with the time proved to be very promising. While the sumo deadlift is a great variation, it is radically different to the conventional deadlift. By Jim Smith. It also increases the difficulty of the starting pull off the floor and makes the lockout much easier. Improve your Deadlift – 3 Simple Deadlift Cues to Lift More Weight I’m sure you will agree that for such a simple movement at its core, the deadlift can become very technical. 5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan. The reality is that the sumo deadlift requires significantly more quadriceps strength than the conventional deadlift.
There are tons of cues for this. Sumo is a more technical lift then conventional. As promised, communication was very engaging and he took his time to explain to me everything we were doing programming wise and also the changes and cues for my lifts, including voice and video recordings to help further explain stuff. I just started doing sumo deadlifts as written on 2suns 5/3/1. The sumo deadlift is an effective deadlifting movement to increase upper back, hamstrings, glutes, and trap development. Conventional Deadlift.