spencer hastings mom

Roleplayer for Spencer Hastings. Spencer Jill Hastings is a character on Freeform's Pretty Little Liars. Spencer Hastings: Different's good. Spencer Hastings: Jenna can't hear us. She is portrayed by starring cast member Troian Bellisario. Spencer's mom is a lawyer who provides counsel to Hanna's mom when she is accused of murder. Its summer and Melissa is dating then-boyfriend Ian Thomas.

Mom In Progress; Worth It; ... 17 Times Spencer Hastings Was The Best Character On "Pretty Little Liars" ... Spencer tends to have the best comebacks to people. After overhearing her mom discussing legal strategies with her father, Spencer decides to go over to Hanna's house to let her know that it's likely her mom will be going to jail for a long time. I like different. "Hanna's right," Spencer stated, "Besides, going home would mean having to spend the day with Melissa glaring at me like I'm the devil's spawn. 60 likes. The Season 7 midseason finale of Pretty Little Liars ended with the reveal that the Hastings family had even more dark secrets than fans knew. She débuts in the first episode of the first season. Mrs. Hastings says she couldn’t stand the thought of Mary’s baby being born and forgotten, so she worked with Judge Kahn to adopt Spencer. 12.7m Followers, 2,284 Following, 4,304 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Troian Bellisario (@sleepinthegardn) ... Mary Drake is Spencer's mom … "Since when has Spencer Hastings taken a sick day," Hanna stated. The character Spencer Hastings was 16 in the first episode of Pretty Little Liars (born April 11, 1994), and so are her other friends.

She had been standing with Alison and Hanna in her kitchen, when Ian and Melissa had walked in. Hanna watched Emily and Aria glare at her. After playing Spencer’s mom, Veronica Hastings, on the teen drama, Fera appeared on an episode of The Good Doctor, American Horror Story and Great Performances in 2018. Spencer Hastings is one of the mail characters in The Pretty Little Liars. Hanna Marin: Alison would've loved it.

- A Emily Fields: That's immortality, Alison DiLaurentis: Lions and tigers and bitches, oh my! I'd rather endure school than that." Spencer Hastings. Toby Cavanaugh: Not everyone dreams of making it in Rosewood, mom.