isaiah 7:14 hezekiah

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign; Behold, the young woman shall conceive and bear a son.”… Read the whole chapter. Isaiah 7:14. The request of a purely natural event would not have been regarded as a test of God. Isaiah 6 Isaiah 8 ... Isaiah 7:14 New International Version (NIV) 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. That Ahaz understood the offered sign to be a miracle is evident from his response in verse 12--"But Ahaz said, 'I will not ask, nor will I test the LORD!'" Question / Comment - Isaiah 7:14 Is About Hezekiah, Not Jesus! It speaks of Isaiah's son. Isaiah 7:14: How Matthew Used It in His Gospel (Part 3–Jesus: Hezekiah 2.0!) Clearly Isaiah offered King Ahaz a miraculous sign of the magnitude of the miraculous sign actually given to King Hezekiah at a later time (38:8). Isaiah 7:14-16Probably no single passage of the Old Testament has been so variously interpreted or has given rise to so much controversy as the prophecy contained in these verses. Evil King Ahaz was worried that two opposing armies were about to invade Judah and destroy the kingdom. Isaiah 7:14 is about Hezekiah. Additional Note on Chap. Isaiah 7:14 The Crux Interpretum. We have proof in the Bible this verse is about Hezekiah…You will notice that Isaiah’s statement in 7:14 describes the child as one not two children. The book is a detailed, technical, exegetical study of every aspect of the interpretation of Isaiah 7:14, considered by many one of the most difficult passages in the Navi'im, the Prophets. This is my opening sentence in chapter 1: "The only aspect of Isaiah 7:14 … It doesn't speak of either one. It is commonly argued that Ahaz forfeited his right to such a sign by his trust in Assyria and that Isaiah delivered a sign instead to the line of David (note that “you” is plural in Isaiah 7:14, not singular); however, as noted in “Like Father, Like Son,” Hezekiah also had a prideful and unfaithful response to his sign and the prophecy given about the deliverance of Jerusalem! Footnotes: Isaiah 7:14 The Hebrew is plural. Posted on December 23, 2016 by / 4 Comments The Gospel of Matthew actually begins with a genealogy.