interrupt processing in os

executes only when there is an interrupt, trap, or system call event User process 1 OS User process 2 time The interrupt is a signal that prompts the operating system to stop work on … Processing: Evaluating or executing some codes.

The operating system analyzes the interrupt and passes control to the appropriate routing to handle the interrupt.

It alerts the processor to a high priority process requiring interruption of the current working process. 2 OS & Events • OS is event driven –i.e. In I/O devices one of the bus control lines is dedicated for this purpose and is called the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).. Home OS OS-Interrupt Processing and Classes. An interrupt is a signal from a device attached to a computer or from a program within the computer that requires the operating system to stop and figure out what to do next. Interrupt is a signal emitted by hardware or software when a process or an event needs immediate attention.

z/OS® uses six types of interrupts, as follows: INTERRUPT PROCESSING: An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which a processor executes instructions. Well, let's break terms:- Interrupt: Stop something continuous. Interrupt: An interrupt is a function of an operating system that provides multi-process multi-tasking. OS-Interrupt Processing and Classes OS. An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which the processor executes instructions.. An interrupt might be planned (specifically requested by the currently running program) or unplanned (caused by an event that might or might not be related to the currently running program).