The main idea here is that we forgive Patches so that he owes us as well. Again, leave the Shrine then return, so that Patches is gone as well. Patches will no longer sell you items unless you tell him where Greirat went. So I just found Greirat dead in Irithyll's sewer area, and I have no idea what in the hell I did wrong. Greirat est un PNJ de Dark Souls III.
Patches will then leave to rescue Greirat; Firelink Shrine must be reloaded at least once and Patches must be gone from his location in order to trigger the rescue.
Greirat can be found in High Wall of Lothric.He will be locked in a cell, and a key will be required to set him free.
Then, you have to talk to Patches and let him know where Greirat went.
A timeline where Patches saves Greirat from the dangers of Lothric just in time.
Kill boss (Lothric) 8. Also, if you decide to kill Greirat while both Patches and Greirat are in Firelink Shrine it will turn Patches hostile.
If there is no rescue plan in place, by the time you reach the sewers (maybe earlier), Greirat is dead. It has been mentioned by Patches that Greirat did some good to Patches. If you tell him, Patches will kill Greirat, then return and be a merchant again. If Patches is sent to save Greirat or loot Greirat's remains and the player has no bosses remaining to defeat, it is impossible for Patches to return to Firelink and sell his wares in that playthrough. 1. This place is situated below the roof, where one of the fanatics changed into an image of the first boss. Lest es hier nach.
Sem medo, pula para o telhado de baixo.
Una volta affrontato Sulyvahn, il Gran Sacerdote, Patches cesserà di chiedere notizie di Greirat. Check back in Hub Firelink Shrine, if not, then Greirat is dead on the castle's roof. Il vous remet l'Anneau de Pierre-larme bleue et vous demande de le remettre à Loretta dans le Camp des Mort-vivants.
Leave the Shrine then return, so that Greirat is gone from the area. Play the game up to Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, and send Greirat to pillage. Após isso Greirat irá voltar pois será salvo pelo Catarina. The Dark Souls 3 NPC, Greirat the Thief, can become a merchant in Firelink Shrine if you free him from his cell in the High Wall of Lothric area (by finding the Cell Key). Informations. After Greirat of the Undead Settlement leaves on his second scavenger outing, Patches will stop selling you items and demand to know where Greirat has gone; telling Patches where Greirat went will trigger Patches leaving temporarily while he attempts to save (not kill) him. 6. Even Patches said something about how Lothric Castle is a death trap and why would someone like Greirat be stupid enough to go there.
7° - Após chegar ao Castelo de Lothric você poderá mandar Greirat em sua terceira jornada porém dessa vez não poderá salvá-lo. Patches and Greirat spend their sunset together. Our walkthrough of the High Wall of Lothric tells you exactly where to find the Cell Key and Greirat’s cell in the basement. You can find it in the location presented in the screenshot. Notes Edit. Se, invece, avete ottenuto da Patches l'armatura di Catarina e l'avete consegnata a Siegward, sarà quest'ultimo a salvare Greirat. So Seigward is in the well, I finally decided to buy his armor from Patches, but right before that I sent Greirat on his second pillage. hes just repeating the same one line over and over. o Corpo de Greirat … This was your issue, never send Greirat to Irithyll until you have a rescue plan in place. Retrieve Cell Key to unlock Greirat’s cell, accept quest to obtain Blue Tearstone Ring. After Greirat of the Undead Settlement leaves on his second scavenger outing, Patches will stop selling you items and demand to know where Greirat has gone; telling Patches where Greirat went will trigger Patches leaving temporarily while he attempts to save (not kill) him. Greirat vous proposera occasionnellement de partir à la recherche de nouveaux objets qu'il pourra vous vendre. Killing Greirat will cause Patches to become hostile.
hes not for me though. Patches salverà Greirat se è ancora in possesso dell'armatura di Catarina e se gli avete detto dove Greirat si trova. Pule dessa varanda, siga em frente e vire a esquerda. If you want to send Patches, send Greirat, reload firelink, then send Patches, reload firelink to make sure he's gone, then go on. Greirat of the Undead Settlement/Unbreakable Patches; Unbreakable Patches (Dark Souls) Greirat of the Undead Settlement; Canon Divergence; Hurt/Comfort; patches isnt as good at disguises as he likes to think; Summary. Tell Patches where Greirat went 7. A timeline where Patches saves Greirat from the dangers of Lothric just in time. Greirat of the Undead Settlement/Unbreakable Patches; greirat/patches; Greirat of the Undead Settlement; Unbreakable Patches (Dark Souls) Trans Male Character; Cunnilingus; old man appreciation; Minor Mentions of Violence; Summary. Considering telling Patches about Greirat is one of the only times when Patches sounds seriously worried about someone, I'd like to think that Patches honestly does think of Greirat as a friend. Greirat - Patches - Siegward Questline order of events This is the path for the order of events to ensure you obtain all items related to these three NPCs.