expression of wishes form

USS Expression of Wish USS Expression of Wish Form June 2018 v2.5 Page 1 of 2 Use this form to nominate who will receive any lump sum payment in the event of your death. THE TRSP EXPRESSION OF WISH FORM TOO AND MAKE SURE IT’S UP TO DATE. Expression of wish form About this nomination It’s important you think about completing this form to let us know who you’d like to receive any lump sum benefit on your death. Use this form to nominate who will receive any lump sum payment in the event of your death. As the instructions in his expression of wish were clear, the money held within his SIPP were paid out to the charities and the balance of the fund was transferred to a beneficiary SIPP for Sarah his wife. The Fidelity SIPP – Expression of Wish Form G0035301 Please pay any lump sum, and/or pension arising from my Fidelity SIPP to the following person(s) in the percentage(s) shown. If you wish to name more beneficiaries than the spaces allow for, please continue on a separate sheet and attach it to this form. Jessica List looks a three common issues… Expression of wish form. The Trustees of your Discretionary Trust have absolute discretion in determining who would benefit and by how much, so giving them guidance will be helpful to them. This form is for you to use to express your wishes in respect of whom you would like to benefit from the Trust when you die. •this form cancels any previous expression of wish form made by me for this plan •that the administrator is not bound by my wishes •that I may change my mind at any time by completing a new expression of wish form •that you will take a scanned copy of this form and will store it for future reference. Although we, as a scheme administrator, may take your wishes into account, under the … USS Expression of Wish Form June 2018 v2.5 Page 1 of 2 Use this form to nominate who will receive any lump sum payment in the event of your death. Death benefit nomination/ expression of wish form About this form • This form lets you tell us who you’d like to benefit from your funds on your death in relation to: ... wishes, in whatever form, previously made by me in relation to my ARC SIPP and/or One Retirement account). It is recommended that you update this form at least every 3 years. LUMP SUM PAYMENTS If you die before your 75th birthday, any lump sum payment would be paid free of UK …

Member Name Scheme Number. Expression of wish forms When you first join a pension scheme, you will be asked to give details about the person or people you want to receive your pension if you pass away. Within the overall limits of the tax legislation, the rules give wide discretion over the exact form of benefits and the recipients.