examples of atticus being a good father

155); this shows that he is affectionate towards Jem.

Atticus gives them things to consider before judging Mrs. Dubose negatively. Also guidance on how to structure their essay response and room to mindmap plan at the bottom.

Atticus knows Mrs. Dubose has been raised differently than they have.
This is another example of Atticus’s love to his children. He tells her “‘…just hold your head high and keep those fists down. Character understanding essay question: To what extent is Atticus presented as a good father?

First evidence, stating that Atticus is a good father is when Atticus pats Jem on the head (Ch.

This is being a good father because he is making scout aware that rape is not a good thing, and preparing her in case she ever were to encounter a situation where it would be helpful to know what rape is. Atticus’ honesty also shows that he is a good father because he deals with issues and believes in taking responsibility for your actions.

This happens after the incident with Mr. Cunningham and other people outside the jailhouse. He also gave the children boundaries on where they could go. Atticus orders them to leave but they refuse because they do not want something to happen to their father. One quote that shows Atticus is a good father is when he tells scout she will get a dose of magnesia and make her go back to school. Firstly, Atticus raised two children – Jem and Scout on his own and was always there for them. In reverse, Atticus is definitely an excellent role model and a good father for Jem and Scout. The last example I’d like to point out is that Atticus was being a good example to his kids by showing empathy towards a mean and unruly man like Bob Ewell. He was affectionate with his children and he was always ready with a big hug when they needed comfort.

At this moment the people start going back to their cars. A good father always shows affection to his children. When Scout complained about her teacher embarrassing a poor student, Atticus got her to see that the teacher was new in town and couldn’t be expected to know the background of all the children in her class right away. We can see this when Atticus finds that Scout is involved in several fights in school. Atticus is a successful father because he shows the differences in this world and Jem and Scout understand it.

To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch, KS4, American, Harper Lee, essay, father etc. Atticus strove above all to see the good in folks and to figure out why they did the things they did.
Atticus wants Scout and Jem to be good people, so that they are able to tell the difference between what is right and wrong. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird depicts Atticus Finch as a good father to his children due to his sense of fairness, his teaching, and his honesty. Loads of quotes for students to select from and make notes. Atticus depicts fairness by treating his children and all others with respect and understanding. These lines are being spoken by Atticus to his son Jem. 15, Pg.