You can make purchases or get cash wherever Mastercard is accepted. Cashback is the easiest of all credit card rewards. You can shop online or over the phone, not just on the high street. He covers banking and loans and has nearly two decades of experience writing about personal finance. Rewards: Earn 1% cash back on up to $3,000 each month Discover’s cashback debit card gives you up to $30 back from your purchases per month, for a maximum reward of $360 a year. We aim to bring you the best deals, offers and savings. You can use them to get cash, usually with no charge. Few cashback credit cards come with introductory offers on 0% on balance transfers and when they do, they tend not to be as competitive as cards dedicated to shifting and freezing debt. That’s uncapped, unlimited and on every debit transaction – in-person and online. Annual card fee. These cards are ideal for regular card users, such as those who prefer using plastic for their everyday spending, and use their income to repay the balance in full each month. This welcome bonus has come after new rules were introduced to make switching your current account easier - now the banks have to work harder to attract and keep your custom. Full Bio . Safer than cash. End of the month, earned cash back will be credited in your PayPal business account. You can also use your card to shop online. Certain exceptions apply. Cash back on £500 monthly spend. Full Bio. After the first 6 months earn up to 1.25% depending on how much you spend. Updated: 5th June 2020. Getting a prepaid card is easy, there's no credit check and no bank account required. Debit cards are accepted almost everywhere in the UK and in lots of places around the world. Top up your Cashback card in the Clubhouse, or with our app, and you can say goodbye to the hassle of entering your personal and debit card details every time. Mastercard hopes this will make businesses more likely to offer cashback, giving more people access to cash, which is particularly vital in areas with no ATMs or bank branches. It’s safer than cash. It only takes a couple of minutes to register for an account. A cashback credit card works best when you are using it to replace your debit card for everyday spending. The best credit cards in every category: 0%, rewards, balance transfer, bad credit, cashback, business, and more are in our shortlist. The 7 Best Prepaid Debit Cards of 2020 Avoid overdrafts and enjoy low fees with these picks. The cons of a debit card. Welcome to MyCashbackCards, the place where you can access all of your benefits information. While most high street banks issue Visa debit cards, many new and challenger banks issue debit cards from Mastercard, including Clydesdale Bank, Metro Bank, Monzo, N26, Starling Bank, Virgin Money and Yorkshire Bank. A cashback credit card works best when you are using it to replace your debit card for everyday spending. Simply log in, and with just a couple of clicks you're all done. *Card registration required. With some debit cards, you might be able to get up to £50 cashback at the checkout when you use it to buy something.