In fact, Cartman comforts Shelly when she feels insecure about her appearance and feels that no one likes her. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", his hand has an affair with Ben Affleck, get's signed onto a record company, and almost gets him killed by Jennifer Lopez. Him, Butters and Token have their own album, Faith + 1. [2], Contrary to popular belief that Cartman's name was derived from German war-pilot Erich Hartmann (which would reflect his love of Hitler and the Nazis), Cartman's name and personality are based on Matt Karpman, a friend of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. The students at South Park Elementary are all apparently aware of Cartman's stuffed animals and his mental health as shown in "1%", where Craig tells Cartman he should go home and cry to his stuffed animals. Neuf. Scott is traumatized and horror-stricken, and Cartman gloats and laughs hysterically at the inconsolable Tenorman, while licking Scott's "tears of unfathomable sadness" off his face with intense pleasure. In "Douche and Turd", Stan votes for Cartman's mascot instead of Kyle's, much to Kyle's dismay. Of course this only occurs after Cartman suggests they leave Kyle for dead and continue to their search for crocodiles. In "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", Cartman role plays "Silence of the Lambs" with his dolls with Bebe. Therefore, Kyle and Cartman could be seen to have a more complex connection than Stan and Kyle with . He hates African Americans, Mexicans, Native Americans, Aborigines, and Asians. They're also shown to share a sense of humor, as can be seen in the episode "How to Eat with Your Butt" when Kenny and Cartman continue an elaborate joke, despite Stan and Kyle's objections. Voiced by But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine (formerly eight) year-old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado. This event drove Scott insane, and during his time in a mental institution he plotted his revenge. Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested seven times. I'm not black, all right?!". Cartman uses bladed finger gloves similar to Freddy Krueger when dressed as The Coon. Cartman's perceived stupidity by his friends can be attributed to his sometimes naive, careless behavior. He is raised as an only child by Liane Cartman, a promiscuous single mother. "; Cartman then licks Scotts tears saying, "Let me lick your tears Scott. Along the same line, in "The Passion of the Jew", he is able to rally all the members of the Mel Gibson fan club to march through the town while yelling, "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!" An example of the former is seen in "I'm a Little Bit Country", in which Cartman electrocutes himself in an attempt to create a flashback and avoid studying. This empathetic relationship is reserved for cats and not humans; he does not (or more likely chooses not to) recognize a parallel between his cat safe-haven to the history of Jews hiding from Nazi soldiers during the Holocaust, which Kyle points out. Token really hates Cartman because he's generally racist toward numerous minority groups, including black people. As shown in many episodes, he enjoys Jimmy's comedy and often goes to him whenever he needs advice. "[9] Cartman has several times declared that his dream is getting "Ten million dollars", and that if he got it he would be "so happy". It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who hasn't gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. Cartman is sometimes the main antagonist of an episode, for example "Trapper Keeper". [79][81][82] Parker and Stone downplay the show's alignment with any particular political affiliation, and deny having a political agenda when creating an episode. Upon hearing this however, Patty Nelson looks horrified as she mutters "Eww...". He was, however, happy when reminded that his father was actually a Denver Bronco. This sensitive and selfless side of Cartman is often a superficial cover up for a selfish scheme he has in mind. With this factored against his outrageous acts against her, it can be seen that he has a strong loathing of her and yet has some form of caring about her at the same time. Home. The fact Cartman does this could indicate an unconscious sexual desire towards men (Ben Affleck in-particular in this case), Cartman's extreme lengths to trick his friend (despite them not being present to witness the hand jobs, making the actions pointless in the grand scheme of things), or that Cartman's Mitch Conner is part of a psychological break resulting in a multiple personality. So she killed the other toys and planned on framing Token, but Cartman reminds her that because of Obama, black people cannot be blamed. In "1%", Cartman successfully engineers ( Subconsciously, in a psychotic delusion. ) This is strange because in Up the Down Steroid when Kyle informs that Cartman is going to cheat, Cartman responds to this by saying that hell is only reserved for Jews, but he did not include African Americans into the mix. Chef even helped Cartman get Kenny's soul out of his body, before it killed him. In the episode "Lil' Crime Stoppers", Cartman defends Kyle saying, "Broflovski's a good cop!". Sports cars. Cartman is heavily implied to only pick on others because of the insecurity he has acquired from others calling him fat. His most recent use of it was when he and Butters stormed a Chinese restaurant, and he orders Butters to use his gun to hold the crowd and fire at any intruders (although Cartman begins to regret giving Butters the firearm because he keeps accidentally shooting men in the genitals). The very dark, usually disturbing undertones to his personality often hint at an extreme mental imbalance. He claims to be able to speak Spanish in "Rainforest Shmainforest", when he tells a Costa Rican freedom fighter that he wants burritos, and in "My Future Self n' Me", he actually speaks Spanish to the Mexican workers hired to smear Butters home with excrement. After breaking up with Cartman, Heidi agrees to be Kyle's girlfriend, angering Cartman. Wagons. "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" shows for the first time that Cartman has the uncontrollable urge to finish singing Styx's "Come Sail Away" whenever he hears any part of the song, which he can do, under pressure, in 27 seconds (possibly a sign that he has a very minor case of OCD based on the fact that he mentioned it was not only songs he had to finish). Figurine Funko Pop! Games. Wendy's best friend, Bebe, often shows hatred for Cartman, as he does for her. He was also arrested for the murders and terrorism of multiple people with Cthulhu, while under the disguise of the Coon, by Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Clyde, Token and Timmy, although they didn't have the authority. There's a big part of me that's Eric Cartman. He has medium-brown hair and a double-chin. In "Jewpacabra", Cartman constantly rips on Jews throughout the episode, even to the point of making up a Jewish creatures that eats children in Easter egg hunts. [89] When declaring him the second-scariest character on television (behind only Mr. Burns of The Simpsons) in 2005, MSNBC's Brian Bellmont described Cartman as a "bundle of pure, unadulterated evil all wrapped up in a fat—er, big-boned—cartoony package" who "takes a feral delight in his evildoing". Convertibles. However, Kyle is sometimes an enthusiastic participant in Cartman's schemes and Cartman is sometimes seen treating Kyle well, although this is generally to put aside their hatred momentarily for a common goal, or for manipulation. This can be seen "Quest for Ratings" or "South Park is Gay! Throughout the series, Cartman shows a special dislike for Craig. In "Funnybot", Cartman speaks German to the Germans, seemingly offering them Kyle as a way to make peace with them, or just kill him. Season 2 E 2 • 04/22/1998. Cartman has a cat named Mr. Kitty, and a pot-bellied pig named Fluffy Mr. Kitty and Fluffy have never been seen together in the series thus far. Cartman holds hands with an annoyed Butters in Super Fun Time. In "200" however, Cartman's hand/puppet Mitch Conner reveals that what Cartman was told was a lie and that Liane was not Cartman's father. Cartman wins the bet, and his single-minded quest to force Kyle to suck his balls subsequently becomes a significant subplot of the trilogy. His primary goal of that was because he needed someone to pick on (he had started to pick on Butters, but Butters just wasn't feeling it.). In order to try and trick the other boys into thinking that his hand might be truly sentient, Mitch/Jennifer (and thus Cartman) pursues a relationship with Ben Affleck during which Cartman proceeds to give Ben multiple hand jobs, one time even waking up in bed with a naked Affleck, his hand covered in "Affleck splooge". Other beloved stuffed animals include Wellington Bear (a take on Paddington Bear), Polly Prissypants the rag doll, purple lizard Rumpertumskin (a take on Rumpelstiltskin), and Peter Panda. In "Imaginationland", Cartman makes a bet with Kyle, stating that if he can prove that leprechauns are real, then Kyle will suck his balls. And it was the thing we really picked up on. Account. Cartman has been portrayed as aggressive, prejudiced, arrogant and narcissistic since his character's inception; Stone and Parker describe the character as "a little Archie Bunker". As he is overweight, his body is wider and his hands noticeably larger than those of the other children, and his head is more elliptical. Cartman can, on rare occasions, show compassion towards cats, as in "Major Boobage" in which he hides cats in his attic from the authorities. In "Le Petit Tourette", he accidentally revealed that he cries at night because he does not have a real father. About South Park Relive the dawn of the South Park era, with legendary episodes of the groundbreaking, Emmy® Award-winning animated classic. The fact Liane allows Cartman to bully and control her is apparently due to extreme loneliness brought up by not have a serious romantic partner and also apparently not having any close friends. Butters has become Cartman's most frequent victim. Male In "Tsst", he beats up a kid, handcuffs him to the flagpole, gives him a hacksaw, poisons him, and tells him the only way to get to the antidote was to saw off his leg. Jimmy also sometimes go to Cartman for advice, such as when Cartman helped Jimmy with his love life in "Erection Day". Er ist Jud. Cartman recognizes Heidi's confusion about what she wants, and uses this to manipulate her into betraying her healthy diet, and contort her beliefs, making her unintentionally prejudice against Jews. Cartman has a disturbing habit of appearing in other people's homes in the middle of the night. Her outfit slightly resembles that of Cartman's, in that her sweater is the same color as his toque, and her trousers are like his coat. Und wunderhübsch, wunderhüüübsch. [9][62][63] With a headline to their online written version of a radio report, NPR declared Cartman as "America's Favorite Little $@#&*%". In 'Make Love, Not Warcraft", when Clyde Donovan tells Cartman he's going to stop playing World of Warcraft, Cartman says that the French also stopped playing when Hitler rose to power. In "Raisins", Bebe tells Stan that Wendy wants to break up with Stan, leading to a heated argument between Cartman and Bebe, Cartman calls Bebe a whore numerous times to which Bebe calls Cartman a fat ass. Cartman gains the ability to fire electricity at people in "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut" by way of a defective V-Chip. He also occasionally has milk come out of his nose when he laughs, even when he was not drinking any. Cartman's musical tastes run toward progressive and arena rock in general and maudlin power ballads in particular.