Le straordinarie migrazioni di popolazione, sia interne allâUnione Europea che provenienti dallâesterno, pongono delle sfide inedite per i Paesi europei. An Associated Press photographer spent an afternoon this week chronicling the Aurore center, from the researcher who volunteers to fill the days since losing access to her university to the aid recipients who, for various reasons, have nowhere else to go. Vu leur jeune âge, ces migrants sont protégés d'office et pris en charge par l'Etat. History. Associated Press, A volunteer carries a tea distribution machine in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Organisation d'un tournoi de foot avec des migrants issus de centres d’hébergements d’urgences de l’association Aurore. C’est l'association Aurore qui gérera les lieux. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Traduzioni in contesto per "migrants" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: economic migrants, illegal migrants, integration of migrants, irregular migrants, influx of migrants Une personne migrante est « une personne ayant changé de lieu de résidence, que ce soit en franchissant une frontière internationale (migration internationale) ou en se rendant dans une autre région, district ou une autre municipalité de son pays d’origine (migration interne). Depuis juin 2019, lâassociation Aurore propose, à travers le projet « Tous mobilisés Tous employables », lauréat de lâappel à projet « Insertion des réfugiés par lâemploi », un parcours dâaccompagnement vers lâemploi pour 200 personnes réfugiées, domiciliées en Ile de France et hébergées en son sein ou orientées par dâautres associations et acteurs dâinsertion. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Certains migrants récupèrent des pipes à crack, distribuées par les associations, et les revendent à des accros en manque pour 5 ou 7 euros. 2. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Casa, lavoro e competenze dei governi locali: ecco i fattori che generano coesione, favoriscono l'inclusione e garantiscono sicurezza. LEARN MORE. Contactez ☎ Association Aurore Nantes, 4, Rue des Cadeniers avec itinéraire, coordonnées. 28 February 2019. The next HOMInG seminar will take place next Monday, December 3 at 4pm, Dpt. Presentato lâ8 ottobre a Roma il Rapporto 2019 sullâEconomia dellâimmigrazione della Fondazione Leone Moressa. Associated Press, Chief of project Alice, third left, attends a debrief meeting with the team of volunteers at the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Her career started in the private sector coordinating legal, tax and contributory management aspects related to the remuneration of the personnel for an Italian firm. Ces 35 migrants sont logés dans les locaux de l’association, qui sert habituellement de centre de vacances social pour personnes âgées. Ceux d'entre vous qui cherchent à les soutenir peuvent se rendre sur le site de l'Association Aurore… Impact Migrants Professional skills, mentoring, freelance and job opportunities for migrants to join the business sector and add value to society. Farhad Yavazi | Région de Paris, France | Référent Migrants chez Association Aurore | 110 relations | Voir la page d’accueil, le … Associated Press. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Mardi 6 janvier, des migrants hébergés au centre d'hébergement Aurore, rue du Loiret dans le 13e, commencent un mouvement de protestation contre leurs conditions d'hébergement. Find the perfect queue of asylum seekers in paris stock photo. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Migrants and Refugees. Faire de l'aide aux migrants et de la collaboration à l'immigration son business, ça fonctionne, et ça paye : en 2016, l'association Coallia new seminar â flore gubert: migrant hometown associations and local development in mali and senegal 29 novembre 2018 The next HOMInG seminar will take ⦠Impact Migrants â Together stronger ! Les associations qui hébergent des migrants se mobilisent contre des réformes du gouvernement qui vont, selon elles, aboutir à augmenter … Aurora Todisco has 15 yearsâ experience of driving financial management through passion for Accounting, Banking and HR. But the need is still there. https://actu.fr/occitanie/figeac_46102/andre-mellinger-maire-figea… Nel pomeriggio, intorno alle 14, la ⦠Ouvert depuis moins d’un an, le Centre d’hébergement d’urgence (Chum) d’Antonypole, géré par l’association Aurore, compte 230 places pour migrants. All welcome! Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. À la veille d'un Noël qui s'annonce gris, la fraternité n'est pas un vain mot et l'association Aurore souhaite l'illustrer par cette démarche ". Les personnes migrantes hébergées à Morainvilliers y resteront … Par ailleurs, l'association s'engage à visiter régulièrement le logement et à supporter les réparations, l'entretien locatif en cours de location et/ou au départ du locataire, ainsi que les dégradations et pertes. Dans certaines circonstances, l'association … Come possiamo perseguire lâintegrazione? In unâItalia che invecchia sempre più rapidamente, i migranti ⦠Juin 2017. Nous sommes allés à la rencontre de Nicolas Hue, responsable de l'Association Aurore, quelques jours avant la fin de l'opération d'évacuation, pour comprendre la manière dont elle s'organise, et surtout dont elle est vécue par les premiers concernés : les réfugiés. La testimonianza di p. Francesco Bortignon, scalabriniano che vive e lavora a Cucuta e ogni giorno accoglie migliaia di venezuelani che, attraverso il ponte Simon Bolivar, arrivano in Colombia. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Une trentaine d’exilés ont également été conduits dans différents logements appartenant à la mairie de Nantes. Associated Press, Volunteers prepare food in the kitchens of the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Definitions share commonalities, but remain highly context or country specific. On leur a expliqué, qu’ici, ça ne se faisait pas trop", raconte de son côté Perrine Dequecker, la chargée de communication de l'association Aurore. Men queue to enter the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. There are two spaces: one for meals, which accepts around 300 people a day and sends out a thousand pre-packed bags for local charities to distribute, and the day center. Simplifiez-vous la vie ! A volunteer delivers a bag of food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Le site sera géré par l’association Aurore, dont la mission est d’accompagner les personnes en situation d’exclusion. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. No need to register, buy now! Associated Press, A volunteer stands in the office at the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. A volunteer helps fill out documents in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association⦠Associated Press, A volunteer cleans a room at "Aurore" reception center to support homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Taper dans le ballon pour favoriser l'intégration. Florie Gaillard, who works for the association, said everyone who lives in the transitional housing is under confinement there, the offices are closed, and the usual crowd at the day center is in shelters. Coallia agit en faveur des publics vulnérables, migrants, réfugiés, demandeurs d'asile, mineurs isolés, personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap. Homeless people after receiving food at the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Compte tenu de ces éléments, je vous propose de m’autoriser à signer avec l’association AURORE une nouvelle convention pluriannuelle et de lui attribuer une subvention de 30.000 € (25.000 € pour le service MIJAOS et 5.000 e pour l’action santé migrants). Une quarantaine d’exil(...) Lire la suite sur 20minutes À lire aussi : Confinement à Nantes : Plus de 120 migrants trouvent refuge dans des bureaux … ASSOCIATION AURORE - 94460 VALENTON; Réinsertion sociale Appartement de coordination thérapeutique (ACT) Hébergement et prise en charge médico-sociale pour personnes avec pathologie chronique invalidante. No need to register, buy now! A volunteer carries a tea distribution machine in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. A man takes a rest in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Migrants and refugees are among the groups most vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation, both during their journey and upon arrival in the destination countries. Duns Scoto Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord-Americani Audioarchivio delle migrazioni tra Europa e America Latina (AREIA) Dans l’attente d’une solution pérenne pour s’établir en France, ils se ressourcent sans avoir le droit de … Les migrants pourront y rester au moins jusqu’au mois de juin, la mairie ayant besoin des locaux pour un autre projet. There is no consensus on a single definition for integration. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Elle œuvre pour l'accompagnement social, le soin et la réinsertion socio-professionnelle de personnes en situation d’exclusion ou de précarité. News. ISLAMABAD: President of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Lateef Afridi on Tuesday said that with the exclusion of three dissenting judges, the ⦠Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Reportage dans le café où ces vieux migrants retrouvent un peu de réconfort et d'aide." Weles fled conflict in Sudan in 2014. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. France's Aurore association, a charity dating back to the 19th century, has been serving meals at the former Saint Vincent de Paul hospital since March 24, a week into the nationwide confinement to stem the spread of the virus. 'There was an entire informal economy that existed before that is no longer there,' said Gaillard. Associated Press, Homeless people share food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. The latter can only accept 70 people at a time in compliance with France's rules on keeping individuals distanced from each other. Associated Press, A man reads a book in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Part of the complex was converted in 2015 to host non-profits and artisans, a day center for asylum-seekers and three transitional housing centers. Associated Press, Homeless people arrive in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Atouts Cours est une association qui propose des ateliers d'alphabétisation, de français langue étrangère (FLE) et des permanences d'écrivains publics. Cookie policy | Privacy policy | Disclaimer | Credits, Working for rights & justice for all migrants, Supporting Families With NRPF Through Covid-19 Crisis, The Impact Of Covid-19 On Frontline Migrant Workers, Report Launch: The Impact of Covid-19 on POC & Migrant Frontline Workers, Report: Highly Skilled Migrant Indefinite Leave to Remain Refusals & Covid-19 Realities, New Resource: Know Your Rights Guide 2020. This was last Saturday during our Young Creators Academy workshop at Aurore Associationâs La Promesse de l'Aube shelter for homeless and migrant families. A colloquio con il direttore generale della Fondazione Migrantes. Homeless people share food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Huit migrants âgés de 20 à 30 ans sont hébergés dans l’ancienne gendarmerie de Lezay, sous l’égide de l’association Aurore. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Les migrants ne sont pas prisonniers ici, ils peuvent sortir quand ils veulent" Laurine, de l’association Aurore. Association Aurore, Bulletin dâinformation n°110. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Les migrants pourront y rester au moins jusqu’au mois de juin, la mairie ayant ensuite besoin des locaux pour un autre projet. The European Migrant Advisory Board (EMAB) is a self-led group of advisors with refugee and immigrant backgrounds, working together to increase the participation of refugees and immigrants in... Lea Scheurer. Migranti, chi sono e a quali categorie appartengono - Notizie, foto e video su MIGRANTI, tutti gli aggiornamenti Il Messaggero Les migrants pourront y rester au moins jusqu’au mois de juin, la mairie ayant ensuite besoin des locaux pour un autre projet. Protezione e solidarietà per non fuggire più. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Find the perfect benevoles stock photo. A man reads a book in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. of Sociology. L'idée de l'association Aurore est aussi simple qu'efficace : depuis la fin du mois de février, migrants et Franciliens mouillent ensemble… Servizio Migranti n. 1 (gennaio-febbraio 2017) Servizio Migranti n. 2 (marzo-aprile 2017) Servizio Migranti n. 3 (maggio-giugno 2017) Servizio Migranti n. 4 (luglio-agosto 2017) Servizio Migranti n. 5 (settembre-ottobre 2017) Servizio Migranti n. 6 (novembre-dicembre 2017) L'Osservatore Romano, 18 dicembre 2020. C’est l’association Aurore qui organise la gestion du lieu. Exposition des productions des personnes réfugiées – Samedi 8 juin 2019. Enfin, c'est l'association qui prend en charge l'assurance locative du logement. Ils sont nombreux à avoir risqué leur vie pour rejoindre l’Europe. Social inclusion refers to migrantsâ inclusion and full economic, social, cultural, and political participation into host communities. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. France's Aurore association, a charity dating back to the 19th century, has been serving meals at the former Saint Vincent de Paul hospital since March 24, a week into the nationwide confinement to stem the spread of the virus. 'We climb, we climb and when we reach the top we slide back down.'. Associated Press, A volunteer helps fill out documents in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. C’est l'association Aurore qui gérera les lieux. Kim Francken Barba | Région de Paris, France | Référent Migrants CAIR Poniatowski chez Association Aurore | 500+ relations | Voir la page dâaccueil, le profil, lâactivité et les articles de Kim A volunteer cleans a room at "Aurore" reception center to support homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Milano, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - Grave infortunio sul lavoro a Boffalora sopra Ticino, nel milanese, dove un operaio rischia di perdere un piede. Come possiamo costruire comunità sostenibili? Lâassociation Aurore héberge, soigne et accompagne près de 30 000 personnes en situation de précarité ou dâexclusion vers une insertion sociale et professionnelle. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Associated Press, A volunteer delivers a bag of food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Sunday 21st June 2020 3.00pm You are in invited to come along to the Aurora Community Association's virtual Coffee and Chat event to connect with the Epping North/ Wollert community â everyone is welcome. Social cohesion refers to con⦠En mars 2019, Vanessa Descouraux, journaliste de France Inter, réalise un remarquable reportage sur le Café Social et les Domiciles Partagés mettant en lumière les actions menées par l'association Ayyem Zamen pour améliorer le … Kim Francken Barba | Région de Paris, France | Référent Migrants CAIR Poniatowski chez Association Aurore | 500+ relations | Voir la page d’accueil, le profil, l’activité et les articles de Kim Migrants' Rights Network See the abstract below. Associated Press, Men take a rest and eat food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Since she moved to London, in 2014, she developed an interest to health [â¦] Homeless people after receiving food at the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. PARIS -- Amid the coronavirus lockdown in France, charity workers are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Men queue to enter the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. L’association Aurore recrute pour son établissement les Lits Haltes Soins Santé (LHSS) situé à Gagny : ... assistante de direction - droit des étrangers - migrants - travailleur social - asile - assistante sociale - association 50 ans et plus. Volunteers prepare food in the kitchens of the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. A volunteer helps fill out documents in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. La Cuisine Des Migrants, Paris. Pope Francis urges us to do everything we can to combat the shameful crime of human trafficking. Un émigrant est une personne migrante … Amid the coronavirus lockdown in France, charity workers are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. ASEN (The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism) Associazione Centro Studi Cardinal Casaroli Associazione Circolo Culturale B.G. 'People who begged, or who knew which restaurant would give them a meal at the end of the evening, were in need.'. Homeless people share food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Tournoi de foot VINCI : une équipe solidaire pour favoriser l'intégration des migrants. Homeless people arrive in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown in France, charity workers are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Associated Press, A man takes a rest in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Associated Press, A volunteer helps to clean the clothes of homeless and migrants in the "Aurore" center in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Men take a rest and eat food in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Association Aurore. C’est l'association Aurore qui gérera les lieux. Accueil. Volunteers prepare food bags for distribution in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Une règlement strict. Associated Press, Homeless people after receiving food at the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Du 27 février au 26 juin 2016, l’Association Aurore, avec le soutien de la Ville de Paris, organisera le premier Championnat de l’Intégration et de la Solidarité (CIS) ayant pour objectif de réunir franciliens et migrants autour d’un ballon de football, afin de favoriser l’intégration, lutter contre les discriminations et les préjugés. Personne Migrante. ACT AURORE - 10600 LA CHAPELLE ST LUC; ACT ENTRACT - 44000 NANTES; ACT ESPACE RIVIERE - … Migrants; Fil d'Ariane. âIl migrante è un povero scartato dalla società, un rifiuto di tutto un sistema politico ed economicoâ. Chief of project Alice, third left, attends a debrief meeting with the team of volunteers at the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. Le bureau d'accueil et d'accompagnement des migrants Ressources pour les cours de ... lâassociation Réseau Alpha référence lâoffre dâapprentissage du français en Île-de-France et propose des ressources aux structures de proximité qui les dispensent. 'We're on a slippery slope,' said one of the men. Utopia 56 est une association créée en novembre 2015 en Bretagne pour encadrer le bénévolat qui se déployait alors sur la jungle de Calais. 5.6K likes. Créée en 1871, l’association Aurore héberge, soigne et accompagne plus de 50 000 personnes en situation de précarité ou d’exclusion vers une insertion sociale et professionnelle, comme l’explique son site.Lauréate de la Fondation la France s’engage en 2018 et reconnue d’utilité publique, elle intervient principalement en … Associated Press, Volunteers prepare food bags for distribution in the "Aurore" center for homeless and migrants in Paris, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants and the homeless on the half-abandoned grounds of a former Paris hospital whose patron saint was devoted to the poor. C'est l'association Aurore qui veille sur eux désormais. Le samedi 8 juin 2019, à l’occasion de la grande fête du … France's Aurore association, a charity dating back to the 19th century, has been serving meals at the former Saint Vincent de Paul hospital since March 24, a week into the nationwide confinement to stem the spread of the virus. Laissez votre ☆ avis Amid the coronavirus lockdown, charity workers at France's Aurore association, are preparing more than a thousand meals a day for migrants Publié le 8 juin 2019 Auteur Angeline Lecuyer Aucun commentaire sur Exposition des productions des personnes réfugiées – Samedi 8 juin 2019. La cuisine des migrants permet aux migrants, réfugiés et exclus, et à leurs soutiens, de faire à manger pour les camps de fortune du nord de Paris. Le vendredi 19 mai, la Fondation VINCI pour la Cité était présente au tournoi de foot organisé par le … Economist Flore Gubert (DIAL, Paris) will give a presentation on Migrant hometown associations and local development in Mali and Senegal.