Lumumba réagit en déclarant la procédure anti constitutionnelle, et annonce en retour la déposition de Kasa-Vubu. [56] and perpetrated a number of large massacres of Luba civilians. Tshombe began negotiations for the end of the secession and the formation of a confederal Congo. [23] As law and order began to break down, white civilians formed militia groups known as Corps de Voluntaires Européens ("European Volunteer Corps") to police their neighbourhoods. La crise est aggravée par la rivalité entre Kasa-Vubu et Lumumba. [113] The mercenaries were also materially supported by the CIA. [34], Politically, the new state had a semi-presidential constitution, known as the Loi Fondamentale, in which executive power was shared between President and Prime Minister in a system known as bicephalisme. Chronique de politique étrangère, vol. L'émergence d'un mouvement national dans le Congo belge exigeant la fin de la domination coloniale belge mène le pays vers son indépendance acquise le 30 juin 1960. Au cours de la première semaine de juillet, une mutinerie éclata dans l'armée, suivie d'une escalade de la violence entre civils blancs et noirs. [121] Despite initial successes, by the time of its disestablishment Mobutu's rule was characterised by widespread cronyism, corruption and economic mismanagement. Under Mobutu's rule, the Congo (renamed Zaire in 1971) was transformed into a dictatorship which would endure until his deposition in 1997. [149], "Independence brings changes to politicians and to civilians. 4. [37] On 5 July 1960, several units mutinied against their white officers at Camp Hardy near Thysville. Alors que les forces gouvernementales gagnent peu à peu du terrain face aux Simbas, l'intervention militaire de la Belgique et des États-Unis en novembre 1964 pour secourir des otages capturés par les rebelles, scelle la défaite définitive de la rébellion Simba et la dissolution du mouvement. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 24 mars 2021 à 16:36. Joseph Kasa-Vubu, Président de l’Association des Bakongo (ABAKO), devient le premier Président du nouvel Etat, qui prend le nom de République du Congo, tandis que Patrice Lumumba, leader du Mouvement national congolais / majoritaire (MNC-L) et vainqueur des élections législatives de mai, accède au poste de Premier ministre. Il instaura un parti unique, à l'exclusion de toutes les autres formations politiques. Amid continuing unrest and violence, the United Nations deployed peacekeepers, but UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld refused to use these troops to help the central government in Léopoldville fight the secessionists. English: The Congo Crisis (1960–1966) was a period of turmoil in the First Republic of the Congo that began with national independence from Belgium and ended with the seizing of power by Joseph Mobutu. Le 5 juillet 1960, l'armée (la Force Publique) basée à proximité de Léopoldville se mutina contre les officiers blancs et attaqua différentes cibles européennes. [136] In Belgium, allegations of Belgian complicity in the killing of Lumumba led to a state-backed inquiry and subsequent official apology in 2001 for "moral responsibility", though not direct involvement, in the assassination. [102] ONUC was in the process of withdrawing when the rebellions started and had only 5,500 personnel, most whom were deployed in the eastern part of the country and stranded by the conflict. Le leader du Katanga exilé, Moïse Tshombe, est rappelé pour diriger le gouvernement d'intérim en l'attente de nouvelles élections. Jacques Vanderlinden. [19] The Confédération des Associations Tribales du Katanga (CONAKAT), a localist party led by Moïse Tshombe, was the third major organisation; it advocated federalism and primarily represented the southern province of Katanga. La fête est néanmoins de courte durée, le jeune Etat congolais étant rapidement confronté à une série d… Le gouvernement belge et de nombreux évolués étaient sceptiques à propos de ce plan, les premiers refroidis par la perspective d'abandonner le pays, et les seconds par l'importance de la durée de cette transition. Après cela le Président Tshombe et son cabinet statuèrent sur leur sort. l'indépendance du Congo, La Crise congolaise 1960-1961, Jacques Vanderlinden, Complexe Eds. Soon after Dragon Rouge, ANC and mercenary troops captured Stanleyville, putting an end to the Simba rebellion. [23] The nationalist parties' influence expanded outside the major cities for the first time, and nationalist demonstrations and riots became a regular occurrence over the next year, bringing large numbers of black people from outside the évolué class into the independence movement. Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, alors commandant en chef des forces armées dans un Congo fragilisé par les sécessions dans une grande partie de son territoire ainsi qu'une impasse politique entre le Premier ministre Patrice Lumumba et le président Joseph Kasa-Vubu, suspend les fonctions de ces derniers. The Simbas were defeated and collapsed soon after. [101] As they advanced, the rebels perpetrated numerous massacres in the territory they captured in order to remove political opposition and terrorise the population. The bulk of the ABAKO leadership was arrested, leaving the MNC in an advantageous position. Le télégramme disait : « Il faut livrer Satan au juif ». Still in captivity, Lumumba was tortured and transported to Thysville and later to Katanga, where he was handed over to forces loyal to Tshombe. Cette politique est confrontée à la crise con- golaise (1960-1961). Lumumba fut dès lors placé en résidence surveillée à la résidence du Premier ministre. During the Chadian Civil War between 1965 and 1979, the Front de Libération Nationale du Tchad (FROLINAT) explicitly rejected secessionism in its bid to remove the southern-backed government of François Tombalbaye following the experience of the Katanga secession, officially stating that "there will be no Katanga in Chad". The crisis showed, Central government split and first Mobutu coup, United Nations escalation and the end of the Katangese secession, Suppression and Belgian and American intervention, Historiography and historical controversy, ONUC, the United Nations Operation in the Congo, included troops from, The secession of Katanga and South Kasai was also supported by, Not to be confused with the neighbouring state known as the. Le Président Tshombe et deux de ses ministres assistèrent aux exécutions successives. None were killed. [41] The international press expressed shock at the apparent sudden collapse of order in the Congo, as the world view of the Congolese situation prior to independence—due largely to Belgian propaganda—was one of peace, stability, and strong control by the authorities. [54] Lumumba also sought the assistance of the United States government of Dwight D. Eisenhower, which refused to provide unilateral military support. 86 relations. Etude théorique et expérimentale d'un processus thermique dans un limiteur supraconducteur de courant. [39] On 9 July, Belgium deployed paratroopers, without the Congolese state's permission, in Kabalo and elsewhere to protect fleeing white civilians. [125], The issues of federalism, ethnicity in politics and state centralisation were not resolved by the crisis and partly contributed to a decline in support for the concept of the state among Congolese people. [16] Lumumba became a leading figure within the MNC, and by the end of 1959, the party claimed to have 58,000 members. [39] Victor Lundula was promoted directly from sergeant-major to major-general and head of the army, replacing Janssens. La crise congolaise a posé, même pour les observateurs les plus avertis, un nombre considérable de questions et de problèmes auxquels il est fort difficile de répondre. Soixante-sept jours après sa prise de pouvoir, Patrice Lumumba fut démis par le Président Joseph Kasa-Vubu. Some whites planned to attempt a coup d'état if a black majority government took power. Ces organisations avaient généralement pour base l'une de ces trois origines : communauté ethnique, communauté d'études, intellectualisme urbain. The Belgian government hoped that whites might keep their position indefinitely. A rival government of the "Free Republic of the Congo" was founded in the eastern city of Stanleyville by Lumumba supporters led by Antoine Gizenga. [117], As a result of the intervention, Tshombe lost the support of Kasa-Vubu and Mobutu and was dismissed from his post as prime minister in October 1965. After attempts to reach a ceasefire failed, UN troops launched Operation Grandslam and occupied Élisabethville, prompting Tshombe to leave the country. [52], The arrival of the United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) was initially welcomed by Lumumba and the central government who believed the UN would help suppress the secessionist states. [143], The crisis caused the newly independent African states to reconsider their allegiances and internal ties. Malgré les nombreuses ressources naturelles du pays (cuivre, or, diamants...), une grande partie de la population continua à vivre dans la pauvreté. [47] Another major factor was what CONAKAT held to be the disintegration of law and order in the central and north-eastern Congo. La crise congolaise est une période de troubles politiques et de conflit ayant eu lieu en République du Congo (aujourd'hui République démocratique du Congo) entre 1960 et 1965. Lumumba, à son tour, essaya vainement de destituer Kasa-Vubu. [84], Resolution 169, issued in November 1961, called for ONUC to respond to the deteriorating human rights situation and prevent the outbreak of full-scale civil war. [45], On 11 July 1960, Moïse Tshombe, the leader of CONAKAT, declared the Congo's southern province of Katanga independent as the State of Katanga, with Élisabethville as its capital and himself as president. La crise commence presque immédiatement après l'indépendance du pays et prend fin avec l'accession à la présidence de Mobutu. The União dos Povos de Angola (UPA),[h] an Angolan nationalist organisation which drew support from the Angolan Bakongo, was supporting ABAKO politicians who had hopes of rebuilding the Kingdom of Kongo, altering the borders established during the colonial period. 0 Reviews. Sans le Katanga, le Congo voyait son économie amputée. "[48], The major mining company in Katanga, the Union Minière du Haut Katanga (UMHK), had begun supporting CONAKAT during the latter days of Belgian rule amid worries that the MNC might seek to nationalise the company's assets after independence. [82] On the night of 29/30 September 1962, South Kasai military commanders launched a coup d'état in Bakwanga against the Kalonjist regime. The politicians have lied to you. Moderate-leaning states joined the Brazzaville Group, which called for a degree of unity between Francophone African states and the maintenance of ties with France. Editions Complexe, 1985 - Congo (Democratic Republic) - 190 pages. Le Premier coup d'État de Mobutu a lieu le 14 septembre 1960 dans le contexte de la crise congolaise. Cette circonstance avait renforcé la suspicion quasi générale quant à un soutien belge en faveur de la séces-sion katangaise. La crise commence presque immédiatement après l'indépendance du pays et prend fin avec l'accession à la présidence de Mobutu. After negotiations with Britain repeatedly broke down, Southern Rhodesia's predominantly white government declared independence unilaterally in 1965. In the aftermath of the intervention, Belgium itself was publicly accused of neocolonialism. [80], On 18 September 1961, Hammarskjöld flew to Ndola, just across the border in Northern Rhodesia, to attempt to broker a cease-fire between UN and Katangese forces. This action prompted renewed attacks on whites across the country, while Belgian forces entered other towns and cities, including Léopoldville, and clashed with Congolese troops. Un groupe d'évolués catholiques répondit cependant positivement à ce plan par un manifeste publié dans un journal congolais, la Conscience Africaine, le seul point contesté étant la faiblesse de la participation locale dans la mise en place de ce plan. [24], These developments led to the white community also becoming increasing radicalised. Mobutu, quant à lui, amassa une fortune personnelle estimée à 5 milliards de dollars. [62] Soviet military advisors were ordered to leave. [61] Both chambers of Parliament, however, supported Lumumba and denounced Kasa-Vubu's action. [58], The involvement of the Soviet Union alarmed the United States. The number of provinces was reduced, and their autonomy curtailed, resulting in a highly centralised state. [132], The Congo Crisis holds great significance in the collective memory of the Congolese people. Colonial rule in the Congo began in the late 19th century. Les Belges décidèrent d'une issue plus brutale par télégraphe, en livrant Lumumba à son pire ennemi, le Président du Katanga Moïse Tshombe. [80] Restated American support for the UN mission, and the murder of ten Italian UN pilots in Port-Émpain in November 1961, strengthened international demands to resolve the situation. Che se plaça sous le commandement du jeune Laurent-Désiré Kabila, qui opérait dans la région de Fizi, et qui devait prendre le pouvoir quelque 30 années plus tard. 219 Dans la soirée du 14 septembre 1960, à Léopoldville, la capitale du Congo, le colonel Mobutu prend la parole à la radio. White officers and civilians were attacked, white-owned properties were looted and white women were raped. In addition, both Tshombe and Kalonji appealed to Kasa-Vubu, whom they believed to be both a moderate and federalist, to move against Lumumba's centralism and resolve the secession issue. The whites were held hostage in the Victoria Hotel in the city to use as bargaining tools with the ANC. [37], Extract from Émile Janssens' speech to the Force Publique on 5 July 1960[37], Lieutenant-General Émile Janssens, the Belgian commander of the Force Publique, refused to see Congolese independence as marking a change in the nature of command. [122], In the years after the Congo Crisis, Mobutu was able to remove many opposition figures from the crisis who might threaten his control. [37] The day after the independence festivities, he gathered the black non-commissioned officers of his Léopoldville garrison and told them that things under his command would stay the same, summarising the point by writing "Before Independence = After Independence" on a blackboard. Beaucoup de personnes éliminèrent leur nom occidental et les plus grandes industries furent nationalisées. On 5 July 1960, soldiers of the garrisons of Léopoldville and Thysville of the Force Publique, the army of the newly independent Democratic Republic of the Congo mutinied against their white officers. République démocratique du Congo, Katanga (tentative de sécession) Sud-Kasaï (tentative de sécession), novembre 1960–1962 Le pays partageait son nom avec celui de la République du Congo à l'ouest, une colonie française ayant gagné son indépendance en 1960 également ; elles étaient distinguées par le nom de leur capitale, Congo (Léopoldville) et Congo (Brazzaville). [32] Although Lumumba's address was acclaimed by figures such as Malcolm X, it nearly provoked a diplomatic incident with Belgium; even some Congolese politicians perceived it as unnecessarily provocative. Mobutu mounted a second coup d'état in November 1965, taking personal control of the country. Les élections ont pour résultats des assemblées nationales et provinciales fortement fragmentées, les partis politiques s'établissant presque tous uniquement dans leurs fief électoraux. On 24 November, as part of Operation Dragon Rouge, Belgian paratroopers landed in Stanleyville and quickly secured the hostages. [38], Rather than deploying Belgian troops against the mutineers as Janssens had wished, Lumumba dismissed him and renamed the Force Publique the Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC). It was largely populated by the Luba ethnic group, and its president, Albert Kalonji, claimed that the secession was largely sparked by persecution of the Baluba in the rest of the Congo. The involvement of the Soviets split the Congolese government and led to an impasse between Lumumba and President Joseph Kasa-Vubu. [85] The Katangese made further provocations and, in response, ONUC launched Operation Unokat to dismantle Katangese roadblocks and seize strategic positions around Élisabethville. But for you, nothing will be changed ... none of your new masters can change the structure of an army which, throughout its history, has been the most organized, the most victorious in Africa. Mobutu, à la tête de l'armée, lança ses troupes à sa poursuite. [99] The Simbas used magic to initiate members and believed that, by following a moral code, they could become invulnerable to bullets. [126][g] Local insurgencies continued in the eastern Congo into the 1980s and left a legacy of instability along the Congo's eastern borders. En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ? République du Congo (coup d'état), 1964–1965 [106] It was also supported by Cuba, which sent a team of over 100 advisors led by Che Guevara to advise the Simbas on tactics and doctrine. [25], In the fallout from the Léopoldville riots, the report of a Belgian parliamentary working group on the future of the Congo was published in which a strong demand for "internal autonomy" was noted. A POLITIQUE ÉTRANGÈRE DE A FRANCE FACE À A CRISE CONGOAISE (1960-1961) - Vincent Genin - La crise congolaise de 1960-1961 est l’objet d’une histo- riographie imposante. The Kwilu Rebellion broke out on 16 January 1964 in the cities of Idiofa and Gungu in Kwilu Province. [86] Following the declaration, however, talks between Tshombe and Adoula reached a deadlock, while Katangese forces continued to harass UN troops. Congo (République démocratique) -- 1960-1965 (Guerre civile) Origine : RAMEAU: Domaines : Histoire du reste du monde: Autre forme du thème : Crise congolaise (1960-1965) La période : 1960-1965 [31] After the King's address, Lumumba gave an unscheduled speech in which he angrily attacked colonialism and described independence as the crowning success of the nationalist movement. [73], News of the execution, released on 13 February, provoked international outrage. [42], Lumumba's stance appeared to many Belgians to justify their prior concerns about his radicalism. [91] Although personally capable, and supported as an anti-communist by Western powers, Tshombe was denounced by other African leaders such as King Hassan II of Morocco as an imperialist puppet for his role in the Katangese secession. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». [74] The Belgian Embassy in Yugoslavia was attacked by protesters in Belgrade, and violent demonstrations occurred in London and New York. ET LA CRISE CONGOLAISE de la secession du Katanga a l'accord de Kitona (1960-1961) Le 30 juin 1960, le Congo beige accede a l'independance apres une colonisation de soixante-quinze annees. [27], The proclamation of the independent Republic of the Congo, and the end of colonial rule, occurred as planned on 30 June 1960. The insurrection spread to Léopoldville the next day and later to garrisons across the country. La crise congolaise 1er janvier 1959-15 août 1960. Tshombe was sent into a second exile in 1965 after being accused of treason. [120] He increasingly took other powers, abolishing the post of Prime Minister in 1966 and dissolving Parliament in 1967. [49] South Kasai was much smaller than Katanga, but was also a mining region. [54] Lumumba's actions distanced him from the rest of the government, especially Kasa-Vubu, who feared the implications of Soviet intervention. The Americans also feared that a Soviet-aligned Congo could form the basis of a major expansion of communism into central Africa. [40], On 5 September 1960, Kasa-Vubu announced on national radio that he had unilaterally dismissed Lumumba, using the massacres in South Kasai as a pretext and with the promise of American backing. [76], Since its initial resolution of July 1960, the UN had issued further resolutions calling for the total withdrawal of Belgian and mercenary forces from Katanga in progressively stronger terms. A meeting of the UN Security Council was called on 7 December 1960 to consider Soviet demands that the UN seek Lumumba's immediate release, his restoration to the head of the Congolese government and the disarming of Mobutu's forces. Le général Mobutu, commandant des armées, réagit à cette situation par un coup d'État. The Katangese, though victorious, suffered hundreds of casualties. Confédération des Associations Tribales du Katanga, war of independence in neighbouring Angola, History of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Front National pour la Libération du Congo, "1961: Lumumba Rally Clashes with UK Police", "Antoine Gizenga ou la revanche de l'histoire", "DRC: Constitutional Crisis between Kasavubu and Tshombe", Comparative Studies in Society and History, "Katanga: Fighting for DR Congo's cash cow to secede", "Les rébellions populaires au Congo en 1964", "Fighting for White Rule in Africa: The Central African Federation, Katanga, and the Congo Crisis, 1958–1965", The Congo, Decolonization, and the Cold War, 1960–1965, 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine, North Yemen-South Yemen Border conflict of 1972, Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States, American espionage in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation, Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War,, Civil wars involving the states and peoples of Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo–United States relations, Wars involving the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Wars involving the states and peoples of Africa, Pages using military navigation subgroups without wide style, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Congo established as an independent unitary state under the, Peacekeepers tending to a wounded comrade, Loffman R.A. "Religion, Class and the Katangese Secession, 1957–1962" In, This page was last edited on 29 March 2021, at 04:24. L’indépendance de la République du Congo (Congo-Léopoldville) fut proclamée le 30 juin 1960, avec Joseph Kasa-Vubu comme Président et Patrice Lumumba comme Premier ministre. The political instability of the Congo helped to channel wider discontentment into outright revolt. [63] Allegedly, the coup was intended to force the politicians to take a cooling-off period before they could resume control. 1959-1960: la crise congolaise. Les Katangais d’origine (Lunda, Minungu, Basonge ...) commencèrent immédiatement, sous l’égide de Tshombe et Godefroid Munongo, à persécuter les Katangais d’origine kasaïenne, ceux-ci furent tués ou expulsés au Kasaï notamment dans la ville de Bakwanga (aujourd’hui Mbuji-Mayi). [81] Katanga released the captured Irish soldiers in mid-October as part of a cease-fire deal in which ONUC agreed to pull its troops back—a propaganda coup for Tshombe. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Lévêque, J.; Netter, D.; Rez Après l'affirmation du contrôle du gouvernement central sur les régions du Katanga et du Sud-Kasaï, une constitution conciliante de compromis est adoptée. King Leopold II of Belgium, frustrated by Belgium's lack of international power and prestige, attempted to persuade the Belgian government to support colonial expansion around the then-largely unexplored Congo Basin. [9] The country was split into nesting, hierarchically organised administrative subdivisions, and run uniformly according to a set "native policy" (politique indigène)—in contrast to the British and the French, who generally favoured the system of indirect rule whereby traditional leaders were retained in positions of authority under colonial oversight. septembre 1960-1964 In August 1960, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents in the region reported to their agency that "Congo [is] experiencing [a] classic communist ... takeover" and warned that the Congo might follow the same path as Cuba. Initialement, dans l'esprit de l'administration belge, l’indépendance devait avoir lieu entre 1980 et 2000 ; mais l’indépendance des colonies françaises et les émeutes du 4 janvier 1959 accélérèrent le processus. Lumumba décida alors de s'échapper. 1964–65: [115] In total, around 70 hostages and 1,000 Congolese civilians were killed but the vast majority were evacuated. [11] One of the results of the measures was the development of a new middle class of Europeanised African "évolués" in the cities. Le 13 juillet 1960. Un autre officier belge commanda le peloton d'exécution. Patrice Lumumba, le Premier ministre et chef charismatique du groupe nationaliste le plus influent, réagit à cela en demandant une assistance de l'Union soviétique, qui répond promptement en envoyant des conseillers militaires et en fournissant un soutien logistique. [134] Many Congolese view the problems of the crisis as unresolved, and believe that the Congo's self-determination has yet to be secured from Western machinations. Les désirs des deux hommes restant verbaux, l'impasse se poursuit plusieurs jours avant que le parlement ne finisse le 13 septembre par voter les pleins pouvoirs à Lumumba, tout en statuant que les deux hommes doivent conserver leurs postes respectifs[3]. [83] On 5 October 1962, central government troops again arrived in Bakwanga to support the mutineers and help suppress the last Kalonjist loyalists, marking the end of South Kasai's secession. Meanwhile, the UN took a more aggressive stance towards the secessionists after Hammarskjöld was killed in a plane crash in late 1961. By 1961, ONUC comprised nearly 20,000 men. En 1965, Mobutu prit le pouvoir avec l'accord des pays occidentaux, qui le voyaient comme un rempart contre le communisme en Afrique. The Secretary General of the UN, Dag Hammarskjöld, believed that the crisis would provide the organisation with a chance to demonstrate its potential as a major peacekeeping force and encouraged the sending of a multinational contingent of peacekeepers to the Congo under UN command. Lumumba was taken captive and subsequently executed in 1961. Albertville and Lisala were recaptured in late August and early September. [126] Mobutu was strongly in favour of centralisation and one of his first acts, in 1965, were to reunify provinces and abolish much of their independent legislative capacity. Sous le régime de Mobutu, le Congo (renommé Zaïre en 1971) demeura une dictature personnelle jusqu'à son renversement, en 1997. [81] In April 1962, UN troops occupied South Kasai. Il n'y avait alors que trente universitaires diplômés dans le pays, mais 466 étudiants congolais dans les deux premières universités d'Afrique centrale (à Léopoldville et à Elisabethville) et 76 dans certaines universités européennes. Un gouvernement rival, fondé par Antoine Gizenga et les partisans de Lumumba dans la ville de Stanleyville, à l'est, recueillit le soutien soviétique mais est rapidement battu en 1962. Published: (1960.) Après les élections de mars 1965, une lutte pour le pouvoir émerge entre Tshombe et Kasa-Vubu et cause la paralysie du gouvernement. [59], Lumumba's appeal for Soviet support split the government and led to mounting pressure from Western countries to remove him from power. [133] In particular, Lumumba's murder is viewed in the context of the memory as a symbolic moment in which the Congo lost its dignity in the international realm and the ability to determine its future, which has since been controlled by the West. 9La crise congolaise se déclara pendant que le Conseil de sécurité, après l’échec de la conférence au sommet de mai 1960, se préoccupait de rétablir la confiance internationale fondée sur le … Il y eut de nombreuses exactions, dont des meurtres et des viols. L'association ethnique ABAKO décida de prendre ses marques à l'égard de ce plan, en partie à cause du fait que nombre de ces évolués catholiques n'étaient pas d'origine ethnique Bakongo dont l'ABAKO défendait les intérêts, mais aussi parce qu'elle défendait des positions plus radicales, et moins graduelles quant à la fin du colonialisme. Ce reportage de l’émission « Cinq colonnes à la une » rend compte de l’aggravation de la crise congolaise à la fin du mois d’août 1960. Il fut d'abord amené à Léopoldville, où il fut battu et humilié devant journalistes et diplomates. [100] Magic was also very important to the rebels who also made extensive use of witchcraft to protect themselves and also demoralise their ANC opponents. The resolution "completely rejected" Katanga's claim to statehood and authorised ONUC troops to use all necessary force to "assist the Central Government of the Congo in the restoration and maintenance of law and order". [108] From the end of August 1964 the rebels began to lose ground to the ANC. The American government under Eisenhower, in line with Belgian criticism, had long believed that Lumumba was a communist and that the Congo could be on track to become a strategically placed Soviet client state. Minimal preparations had been made and many issues, such as federalism, tribalism, and ethnic nationalism, remained unresolved. [44], Disquiet about Belgium's support for the secessionist states led to calls within the United Nations (UN) to remove all Belgian troops from the country. [145] The chaotic violence of the crisis and the fate of the country's whites, many of whom entered Northern and Southern Rhodesia as refugees, contributed to the widespread belief among whites there that black nationalist politicians were not ready to govern, and prompted fears that immediate majority rule in Rhodesia might lead to a similar situation.