Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting on April 15, 2021. The dividend payout ratio of Danone is 44.19%. The next Nestle SA dividend will go ex in 10 days for 275c and will be paid in 12 days. A first, interim dividend of US$912,071 was paid out on December 15, 2018. Frequency: Quarterly. Q1 2020. Danone pays an annual dividend of $0.38 per share and currently has a dividend yield of 2.65%. Yield: 5.28%. This was based on the reference price of CHF 20.40, which corresponds to the one-day volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of the UBS Group AG share on SIX Swiss Exchange for 22 May 2015, as published by Bloomberg. The Board of Directors recommends a total dividend for the 2020 fiscal year of €3.75 gross per share, stable vs 2019.Solvay will proceed with the payment of the dividend in 2021 according to the below timetable, upon Shareholders' approval at the 2021 shareholders' meeting. At the AGM on April 29, 2021, Danone’s board of directors will propose a dividend of €1.94 ($2.35) per share, in cash, in respect of the 2020 fiscal year. This is 8% lower than June 2019 due to dividend suspenions at Aegon and Nordea Bank. Tuesday 17 March 2020; Ex-dividend date 2: Thursday 19 March 2020: Record date 3: Friday 20 March 2020: Payment date 4: Monday 30 March 2020: 1 Declaration date is the date of approval of the proposed dividend at the Annual General Meeting. april 3 (reuters) - danone sa: * danone: 2020 shareholders meeting postponed * payment date of dividend for 2019 financial year has therefore also been postponed This will be paid out in cash or stock at the election of the shareholder. Dividend Summary. This payout ratio is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75%. Announcement of ratio and number of dividend shares: July 6, 2020. Market Cap: 22.99B. Q3 2020. DANOY's most recent annual dividend payment was made to shareholders of record on Friday, August 7. (1) Creation of registered shares (2) Nestlé S.A. absorbs Unilac Inc. and reimburses the nominal value of Unilac Inc. capital at USD 12.00 per share (3) Share split 1:10 (1st September 1992) (4) Conversion of bearer shares into registered shares + capital increase 1:25 (5) Share split 1:10 (11th June 2001) Ajouter à mon agenda 2021-06-04 07:30:00 2021-06-04 23:59:59 Europe/Brussels Paiement du dividende de l’exercice 2020 Unknown Ageas [email protected] Août. Listed by financial year 1 The final conversion factor under the CoTD was 40.81 (number of existing shares required for a shareholder of UBS AG to receive one new share in UBS AG). Updated: 2021-04-09. Due to the exceptionally high economic burden caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which also impacted the BASF Group’s free cash flow, the proposed dividend per share will not be increased for the first time since the 2009 business year. Danone : Le résultat net courant a reculé de 13% à 2,19 MdsE en 2020 17/02 Danone : "la situation est-elle si critique pour les minoritaires" s'interroge Phitrust 2 In line with the Company’s continued measured and balanced dividend policy, the dividend is down 8% from last year. Aegon proposed a 2020 final dividend per share of EUR 0.06 at the 2H 2020 results on February 11, 2021. Total dividende exercice 2019: € 5,600 * Dividende final montant proposé € 5,600 date de l'approbation mai 13, 2020 date ex-coupon mai 18, 2020 date du paiement The previous Nestle SA dividend was 270c and it went ex 12 months ago and it was paid 12 months ago. On 2 September 2020, NN Group paid an interim dividend of EUR 2.26 per ordinary share, comprising (i) EUR 1.40 per ordinary share, equal to the amount of the 2019 final dividend that was suspended in April 2020 plus (ii) EUR 0.86 per ordinary share, equal to the regular 2020 interim dividend calculated in accordance with the NN Group dividend policy. 2 Ex-dividend date is the first date where trading takes place without dividend. Based on the year-end share price for 2020, BASF shares offer a high dividend yield of around 5.1%. En 2020, le conseil d’administration SocGen avait supprimé la distribution d’un dividende au titre de l’exercice 2019, conformément aux recommandations de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), enjoignant les établissements de crédit à suspendre le paiement de leurs dividendes, alors que la SG avait mis de côté une provision pour payer le dividende de 2,2 euros par action. Paiement du dividende de l’exercice 2020. Dividend paying stocks like Danone S.A. tend to be popular with investors, and for good reason - some research suggests a significant amount of all stock market returns come from reinvested dividends.Yet sometimes, investors buy a stock for its dividend and lose money because the share price falls by more than they earned in dividend payments. 14 companies paid a dividend and the top 3 payers are Macebridge, Enbridge and Legal & General. The Dividend History page provides a single page to review all of the aggregated Dividend payment information. 11 08 2021. Payout Ratio: --PE Ratio: 11.1. If a stock is valued near, or slightly below the market average, research has shown that the market expects the stock’s dividend to increase. There is typically 1 dividend per year (excluding specials), and the dividend cover is approximately 1.5. Le groupe d'agroalimentaire Danone a annoncé ce mercredi le maintien de son dividende au ... 20/05/2020, 10:12 ... Il avait alors dit à cette occasion reporter la mise au paiement de son dividende. The number of share dividend rights entitled to one new common share will be determined based on the volume-weighted average price of all traded common shares of Koninklijke Philips N.V. at Euronext Amsterdam on June 30, and July 1 and 2, 2020. Danone shares were up 3.5% at 57.52 euros at 1032 GMT. 2020 Final Dividend* EUR 0.06 per common share. Dividend calendar for fiscal year 2020: May 21, 2021: last day to acquire shares and benefit from the dividend (record date) Get the latest Danone SA (BN) real-time quote, ... Q4 2020. Résultats du premier semestre 2021. Dividend June 2020 The world’s largest yoghurt maker also said it would slash its 2020 dividend by 8% to reflect weaker earnings. Q2 2020. Review BN (XPAR) dividend yield and history, to decide if BN is the best investment for you. Total dividende exercice 2019: € 1,240 * Dividende final montant proposé € 1,240 date de l'approbation avril 30, 2020 date ex-coupon mai 4, 2020 date du paiement The value of the stock dividend will be approximately equal to the cash dividend. *Proposed. If a stock is valued near, or slightly below the market average, research has shown that the market expects the stock’s dividend to increase. For 2020, the Board has proposed a payout ratio of 75%, at the top end of the policy range. Nature of the coupon Ex-dividend date Payment date Net amount (€) 2020: Final dividend 3 rd interim dividend 2 nd interim dividend 1 st interim dividend: 03/25/2021 01/04/2021 09/25/2020: 04/01/2021 01/11/2021 10/02/2020 Last Close Price: $33.93. Advertisement ... Danone SA BN Morningstar Rating Rating as of Apr 9, 2021. The Group intends to maintain its current attractive dividend policy and proposes a target pay-out ratio of around 75% of net income attributable to shareholders, subject to a minimum of the prior year dividend per share, with dividend increases based on sustainable earnings growth. This translates to a dividend of €0.53 per share, which will be proposed for shareholder approval at AGM on the 20th of May. Danone pays out 44.19% of its earnings out as a dividend. Based on earnings estimates, Danone will have a dividend payout ratio of 47.50% next year. Dividend timetable for Q3 2020 Announcement date: Wednesday 28 October 2020: Ex-dividend date* Thursday 12 November 2020: Record date: Friday 13 November 2020: Last date for DRIP elections: Monday 21 December 2020: Payable: Thursday 14 January 2021 Dividend per Zurich Insurance Group Ltd registered share. Danone pays an annual dividend of $0.38 per share, with a dividend yield of 2.76%. I received €391 in dividend and an additional €95 due to writing call options. In my June numbers this is not visible yet. A stock’s Dividend Uptrend rating is dependent on the company’s price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio to evaluate whether or not a stock’s dividend is likely to trend upward. The upcoming dividend amount is scheduled to be communicated on the August 5, 2020 ex-date , … A stock’s Dividend Uptrend rating is dependent on the company’s price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio to evaluate whether or not a stock’s dividend is likely to trend upward. Payment date: As from July 7, 2020 .